A nation mourns

Niël Terblanché

The sudden passing of President Hage Geingob shortly after midnight on Sunday, has the Namibian Nation still reeling with shock while at the same time having to cope with a sense of sadness never felt before in the country’s short history as a fiercely independent and sovereign state.

As the reality of the situation where they went to bed on Saturday evening in a Namibia they knew and loved and waking up a few hours later to a country where opportunism might derail what they have built over the past 35 years is yet to set in.

However the landscape of politics and governance might change, Namibians will always have the country’s supreme law to hold on to for hope.

As the chief architect of the Namibian Constitution, President Geingob left behind an everlasting legacy of hope, inclusion and opportunities for people to continue building the Namibia they want.

Besides being the chief architect of the Namibian Constitution, he was an internationally respected statesman who kept the world’s attention focused on Namibia and did everything in his power to build the Namibian House in which every citizen had a role to play.

The profound sense of sadness is a testament to the indelible mark left by a leader whose life was inextricably woven into the fabric of Namibia’s quest for freedom, justice, and prosperity.

President Geingob’s journey from humble beginnings in Otjiwarongo in 1941 to the zenith of Namibian politics leaves a legacy of resilience, vision, and an unwavering dedication to the nation’s sovereignty.

His death not only marked the end of an era but also ushered in a period of reflection on the path he charted for Namibia’s future more than three decades ago.

President Geingob was celebrated as a beacon of hope and unity throughout Africa and the world beyond.

From his early days as a teacher who boldly opposed apartheid’s injustices, to his crucial role in shaping the Namibian Constitution, his commitment to inclusivity and democracy was unwavering.

His leadership extended beyond the borders of Namibia, earning him respect on the global stage as a statesman dedicated to the African continent’s development and peace.

Amidst the profound sadness, a collective resolve to honour his memory by continuing his work is emerging.

President Geingob’s vision for a Namibia characterized by unity, economic resilience, and social justice serves as a guiding light for the nation’s path forward.

His role as the architect of the Namibian Constitution cannot be overstated. This document, the cornerstone of Namibia’s independence, encapsulates the principles of freedom and equality he held dear.

It stands as a testament to his foresight and commitment to a society where every Namibian has a stake in the country’s prosperity.

His resilience in the face of adversity, his dedication to national and continental affairs, and his vision for a harmonious Namibia are qualities that will inspire generations to come.

The nation finds solace in the knowledge that his legacy is not only enshrined in the annals of history but also imbued in the spirit of the Namibian people. His work with regional organizations and his advocacy for peace and sustainable development have left a lasting imprint on the continent.

The spirit of unity and determination that President Geingob championed becomes ever more crucial.

Namibia stands at a crossroads, facing the future with a blend of grief and hope. The ideals of inclusivity, democracy, and resilience that President Geingob espoused will undoubtedly serve as the foundation for Namibia’s continued journey towards a prosperous future.

President Geingob died at a private hospital yesterday morning in Windhoek where he was under the care of his medical team, with his wife Madame Monica Geingos and his children by his side.
As Namibia reflects on the legacy of President Geingob, the government calls on its citizens to keep the president’s family and the nation in their thoughts and prayers.

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