National News

NamRA cracking down on tax evasion in fishing industry

NamRA cracking down on tax evasion in fishing industry

Niël Terblanché The Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) has intensified efforts to combat deliberate tax evasion within the fishing industry. Yarukeekuro Ndorokaze, NamRA’s spokesperson, said in a statement issued on Thursday that targeted actions have been initiated to halt revenue leakage in this sector and ensure offenders are held accountable. Ndorokaze added that over the years, the fishing industry has been among the lowest contributors to the national fiscus. “Fees paid to directors and other members often go undeclared and untaxed. Ongoing investigations are focusing on the sale of fishing quotas by rights holders,” he said. According to Ndorokaze, the analysis…
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IPPR flags non-compliance with procurement

IPPR flags non-compliance with procurement

Martin Endjala The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) has identified non-compliance with the government’s procurement system as a major problem in Namibia. The IPPR released a report on Thursday in which it indicated that there are about 173 public entities with a procurement function. Frederico Links, an IPPR research associate, did the study with financial support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF). “All of these entities have to submit an annual procurement plan to the Procurement Policy Unit (PPU), which then publishes the plan on the e-procurement portal,” he pointed out. According to Links, public entities operating outside of…
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Uutoni unaware of Zambezi Regional Council troubles

Uutoni unaware of Zambezi Regional Council troubles

Martin Endjala A Judea Lyaboloma Constituency councillor accused the urban and rural development minister, Erastus Uutoni, of failing to intervene in the issues of the Zambezi Regional Council. In an interview with the Windhoek Observer this week, Humphrey Divai said the minister has only been attending to the matters of other regions and some local authorities. “I do not know why the minister is not intervening in the Zambezi matter. This is a serious issue. What is he afraid of? It seems like he is protecting his Swapo comrade Simushi,” said Divai. He added that the Zambezi Regional Council has…
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British High Commission denies links to IPC‘s London funds

British High Commission denies links to IPC‘s London funds

Stefanus Nashama The British High Commission in Namibia has refuted allegations that a London-based entity funded the Independent Patriots for Change (IPC). The British High Commissioner, Charles Moore, wrote a letter addressed to IPC’s leader, Panduleni Itula on Wednesday. Moore clarified that Sarah Champion MP (UK) was not the author of the letters circulating on social media platforms. “The letters were not written or circulated by Ms Champion or any other official within the International Development Committee(IDC). The content was entirely fabricated by third parties with the intent to misinform and discredit. The United Kingdom does not and would not…
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More than 730 million people experienced hunger in 2023

More than 730 million people experienced hunger in 2023

Stefanus Nashama According to estimates, 733 million people, or one in eleven people worldwide and one in five in Africa, experienced hunger in 2023. This is according to the latest State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report that was released this week. “Despite some progress in specific areas such as stunting and exclusive breastfeeding, an alarming number of people continue to face food insecurity and malnutrition as global hunger levels have plateaued for three consecutive years, with between 713 and 757 million people undernourished in 2023 - approximately 152 million more than in 2019 when considering…
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Swakop Uranium investigates truck incident at Husab Mine

Swakop Uranium investigates truck incident at Husab Mine

Martin Endjala Swakop Uranium which owns the Husab Mine in the Erongo region, has launched an investigation into an incident involving an employee of Beifang Mining Services, a company that provides contracting services at the mine. The employee was involved in an incident with a haul truck owned and operated by Beifang Mining Services that fell to the bottom of a pit on Wednesday while attempting to offload its load. Irvinne Simataa, Swakop Uranium's executive vice president, confirmed that Beifang Mining Services is the mining contractor at Husab Mine. “Operations were halted, and an investigation into the incident is currently…
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Baynes Hydropower Project moves a step forward

Baynes Hydropower Project moves a step forward

Niël Terblanché Namibia and Angola have announced the commencement of key components of the bi-national Baynes hydroelectric power project. This development follows recent decisions by the Namibian Cabinet, which approved measures to mobilize funding and expedite the construction of critical infrastructure for the project. This project is expected to be a game-changer in the region, reducing reliance on electricity imports and fostering greater cooperation between Namibia and Angola. The Cabinet in its latest decisions, published on Thursday, directed the Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises to commence mobilizing funding for Namibia's obligation in constructing the Baynes regulating dam as well…
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AR begs for financial support

AR begs for financial support

Stefanus Nashama The leader of the Affirmative Repositioning movement (AR), Job Amupanda, has appealed to the nation for financial contributions to enable the party to launch its election campaign. He made the request during a media conference in Windhoek on Thursday. “Unlike existing political parties that receive funds from Parliament, the Chinese, the Brits, or through corruption, the AR movement does not receive any money from any defined institutional or well-established sources. We are funding our campaign from our pockets and through Good Samaritans whose hearts and minds have been touched by God,” he said. Amupanda said that despite the…
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Youth get access to entrepreneurial starter packs

Youth get access to entrepreneurial starter packs

Niël Terblanché The United States government-funded Reach Namibia project has recently launched the Adolescent and Youth Livelihoods and Entrepreneurship Accelerator (ALIVE) Hub in Rundu, the capital of the Kavango East Region. This initiative aims to equip young Namibians with the entrepreneurial skills necessary to establish sustainable businesses, thereby addressing the high unemployment rates among the youth. In collaboration with the Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Services (MSYNS), regional and local governments, and private sector partners, an additional ALIVE Hub will be established in Nkurenkuru, Kavango West Region. These hubs will provide entrepreneurial starter packs and help youth ventures scale.…
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AR appeals for financial support

The leader of the Affirmative Repositioning movement, Job Amupanda appealed to the Namibian nation for financial contributions to finance the newly registered political party campaign in the run-up to the November elections.He said the funds will be used to mobilise society.Amupanda made it clear that the AR does not receive funds from China or Britain like some other political parties.The AR only relies on little contributions from Good Samaritans and those who believe in the transformation of the political system.Amupanda shared this at a press conference in Windhoek on Thursday. Reporter: Stefanus Nashama
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