Amoomo pleads for financial support to fight redline

Stefanus Nashama

Lawyer Kadhila Amoomo, representing Affirmative Repositioning Movement Leader, Job Amupanda, in the court battle to remove the veterinary cordon fence (red line), has pleaded with the public for financial support to continue with the case.

Amoomo begged the public for financial support over the weekend, saying that as the fight continues, they would need money to cover legal costs to continue with the case in the Supreme Court.

He has said that so far only three people have made financial contributions.

According to the lawyer, the government has now taken his client, Amupanda to the Supreme Court regarding the case of the removal of the red line.

He cited that the approach to the Supreme Court is a clear indication that the government is disconsolate with the High Court order by Judge Shafimana Ueitele.

At the same time, he explained that Amupanda is fighting alone against the government and the Meat Board of Namibia. He added that the government has hired four advocates to assist with the Supreme Court matter.

“Remember, Dr. Amupanda is fighting alone against the government and the Meat Board. They have hired four advocates against us. He needs your help. Only three people have contributed to the redline costs so far. If you want to contribute please inbox your email so we share the Court Order,” Amoomo stated.

Amoomo stated that the line is, was and continues to be used as a segregation tool between those who reside in the north and those in the southern part of the country.

About two years ago, Amupanda dragged the government to the High Court, charging that it is hypocritical for the government to stand in his way when senior figures from the same government, including the President have placed it on record that the redline must be removed.

Amupanda believes the redline, is unconstitutional and irrelevant in an independent Namibia, and it should therefore be removed.

He argued that many people want to travel with meat products from the north so they feed their families and children in Windhoek and other parts of the southern area.

According to Amupanda, the removal of the redline is in the best interest of the majority of Namibians, who currently pay exorbitant prices for meat products.

In an interview with Amupanda, earlier this year, regarding the matter, he said he is prepared to sacrifice everything he has amassed if it is what it takes to remove the veterinary cordon fence.

“I will never withdraw, even if I have to sell everything I have in my lifetime, it will be removed. Even if I am 90, I will be fighting for its removal. My children cannot suffer the same way,” he said.

Amupanda has asked Windhoek High Court Judge Shafimana Uietele to protect him from costs should he fail in his challenge to have the redline removed.

He also expressed that it was shameful for a freedom fighter to be fighting to keep the redline in place.

The government has maintained that there is no pressing public interest to resolve the constitutionality of the continued use of the red line to control animal health.

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