APRM Country Review Report lauds Namibia for governance achievements

Niël Terblanché

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, who served as the Chairperson of the African Peer Review Forum from 2020 to 2022, has proudly presented the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) Country Review Report for Namibia, following the nation’s first Peer Review at the 31st Summit of the APRM Forum of Heads of State and Government on February 4th, 2022.

The report, accompanied by a comprehensive National Programme of Action, marks a significant step in Namibia’s journey towards enhanced governance and socio-economic development.

Ramaphosa said that since joining the APRM in 2017, Namibia has demonstrated unwavering commitment and substantial progress in the realm of good governance.

The submission of the Namibia Country Self-Assessment Report to the APRM Continental Secretariat in October 2021 set the stage for an in-depth review by experts from eleven African peer states.

Ramaphosa added that the collaborative effort, spearheaded by Ambassador Ombeni Sefue as the Lead Panel Member for Namibia, culminated in a report rich with findings and recommendations that shed light on both the governance challenges and commendable practices within the country.

During the review summit, President Ramaphosa emphasized the paramount importance of promoting democracy, human rights, and good governance across the continent, especially in light of the concerning trend of unconstitutional government changes in some African regions.

According to Ramaphosa, the APRM Country Review Report for Namibia not only addresses these governance challenges but also highlights several of the country’s noteworthy achievements.

Among these are the initiatives led by the Legal Assistance Centre, which has been pivotal in defending human rights since its inception in 1988; Namibia’s top-tier transport infrastructure, recognized for its safety and contribution to the SADC region’s economic development; and the innovative Build Back Better Programme, aimed at empowering women through urban agriculture.

According to Ramaphosa, these commendable practices emphasize Namibia’s dedication to the principles of Pan-Africanism and the overarching goals of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) vision.

The report also acknowledges Namibia’s targeted review on youth unemployment and the successful completion of the full country review, which serve as a testament to the nation’s commitment to tackling governance challenges head-on.

President Ramaphosa concluded his presentation with words of congratulations to the late President Dr. Hage Geingob and the people of Namibia for achieving this milestone.

Ramaphosa reaffirmed the support of the African Peer Review Forum as Namibia continues to implement the National Plan of Action derived from the review’s findings.

According to the South African President, the report not only serves as a crucial knowledge base for fostering good governance but also positions Namibia as a leader in the pursuit of socio-economic development and the realization of Agenda 2063’s vision for a prosperous Africa.

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