Businessman and political activist Amunyela denies resigning from Swapo

Stefanus Nashama

Northern businessman and a well-known Swapo Party activist, Sigo Amunyela, has refuted claims that he has resigned from the ruling party to join the Independent Patriots for Change (IPC).

According to Amunyela, his Facebook account has been hacked by an anonymous person after losing his cell phone last year.

“The account is fake, I have never and will not resign from Swapo to join the IPC or any other political parties. Even if I do, that is not the way I will do it,” said Amunyela.

This follows after posts on his Facebook and his other social media accounts started making the rounds. The posts claimed that he as a well-known and vocal frontman for Swapo, had resigned from the party and joined the IPC.

Speaking to Windhoek Observer yesterday, Amunyela, said he remains a steadfast and unfazed member of the governing party.

According to Amunyela, the allegations started trending after the Swapo Party Central Committee, over the past weekend, endorsed its Vice-President, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah as the sole presidential candidate for the national and presidential elections. The Central Committee also resolved to hold an extraordinary congress in April next year.

He strongly believes the anonymous poster is an enemy that abused his social media accounts thinking he was not supporting Nandi-Ndaitwah’s endorsement.

“It is fake news. Many people fear me as a strong supporter of Swapo. They just want to destroy Swapo and confuse the members,” stressed Amunyela.

He reiterated that he has been supporting the party and will continue to do so, while also stating that he fully supports Nandi-Ndaitwah and the decision of the Central Committee about the extraordinary congress.

According to Amunyela, he has never associated himself with the IPC, except with its Leader, Panduleni Itula, when he was still a Swapo member.

“Let it be categorically clear to everyone across the country that I have nothing to do with the IPC. I cannot leave my party, Swapo,” he said.

He added that many people know if they want to destroy Swapo, he is part of the party’s backbone and if he breaks, the party will suffer catastrophic consequences.

He threatened to take legal action against anyone spreading the rumours.

The IPC’s National Spokesperson, Immanuel Nashinge, said he cannot comment on social media allegations.

“I cannot comment on that. Those are social media things that have nothing to do with the IPC. There are important things to comment on. This is not one of those things,” he said.

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