Churches can assist to combat the effects of climate change

Niël Terblanché

In an urgent call to action against the escalating threat of climate change, churches and faith-based organizations across Namibia have been urged to leverage their influential platforms for environmental stewardship.

The call was made at a workshop organized by the Roman Catholic Church’s Archdiocese in Windhoek. The event, held in Karibib in the Erongo Region, was aimed at rousing the church’s involvement in combating climate change at the grassroots level.

Environmental scientist Dr Innocent Haingura, speaking at the Pastoral Parish Council Workshop, stressed the crucial position churches hold in society.

“Churches have a unique platform to make a tangible impact on the ever-increasing dangers posed by climate change,” Haingura said while stressing the key role faith communities can play in leading initiatives that mitigate the adverse effects of environmental degradation.

The workshop, themed ‘Desertification, Climate Change, and Land Degradation’, highlighted the urgent need for the church to take an active role in reversing the tide of climate change, starting from the parish levels.

With Namibia facing severe environmental challenges, including erratic rainfalls, catastrophic droughts, flash floods, and diseases attributed to climate change, the timing of this call to action could not be more pertinent.

Dean Father Albertus Sheehama of the Western Deanery addressed the workshop participants and pointed out the vast resources at the disposal of the Roman Catholic Church.

“Through its extensive network of congregations, the Catholic Church is well-positioned to make a positive impact,” Sheehama said.

According to Sheehama, the church has both the duty and the capability to lead by example, fostering environmental consciousness and action among its followers.

This workshop marks a significant step toward engaging religious communities in the fight against climate change in Namibia.

By harnessing the collective power and reach of churches, Namibia can advance towards sustainable practices that safeguard the environment for future generations.

Sheehama said that faith and environmental stewardship can go hand in hand, creating a powerful force for change in the face of global climate challenges.

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