Cross-border Governors’ Forum meets in Eenhana

Niël Terblanché

order to continue building stronger bilateral ties, the Governor’s Forum of the bordering regions of Namibia and Angola was officially inaugurated in Eenhana earlier this week.

The initiative is a crucial tool in the hands of the two neighbouring countries to address and surmount shared challenges along their borders through enhanced collaboration and strategic dialogue.

The forum brings together key stakeholders from both Namibia and Angola, providing a vital platform for discussing a wide array of political, security, and commercial issues that affect both nations.

The urgency of activating this forum has been accentuated by the pressing issue of Namibian farmers grazing their animals in Angola, while also stressing the need for immediate and cooperative solutions for cross-border challenges.

Sebastian Ndeitunga, the Ohangwena Regional Governor, emphasized the comprehensive scope of the forum, which aims to bolster mutual understanding, promote sustainable development, and strengthen ties that transcend geographical boundaries.

The forum’s discussions spanned from economic cooperation to security concerns, reflecting the diverse challenges and opportunities faced by communities residing along the Namibia-Angola border.

The forum was attended by the Governors of Omusati, Oshana, Kunene, Ohangwena, Kavango East and West, and Zambezi regions, along with their representatives, signifying a collective commitment towards fostering a harmonious and prosperous future for the regions.

Governor Ndeitunga was elected as the Namibian chairperson of the Angola-Namibia Governor’s Forum, with the Governor of the Omusati Region, Eginus Endjala, serving as his deputy.

The governors of Cunene and Cuando Cubango provinces were elected as the representatives of Angola.

This activation of the Governor’s Forum is a demonstration of the shared vision of Namibia and Angola to navigate the complexities of cross-border relations and harness the potential of their partnership for the betterment of their communities.

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