Disturbing harassment of enumerators undermines Census 2023

Niël Terblanché

The Namibia Agricultural Union (NAU) has condemned the harassment of enumerators, following several unsettling videos circulating on social media.

The NAU has firmly distanced itself from any actions involving harassment towards enumerators, stressing that such behaviour starkly contrasts with the principles of professionalism and respect that the union staunchly upholds in executing its duties.

Amidst the ongoing Population and Housing Census, a paramount initiative by the Namibian Government, enumerators appointed by the Namibia Statistic Agency (NSA) are facing instances of non-collaboration and intimidation.

These public servants are dedicatedly working to gather essential demographic, socioeconomic, and housing information that is pivotal for the overall development of the nation, informed decision-making, and equitable resource distribution.

“This comprehensive initiative is indispensable for informed decision-making, resource allocation, and societal progress,” Tanja Dahl, NAU Public Liaison and Marketing officer said.

The harassment and intimidation of enumerators significantly undermine the integrity and accuracy of the census, hindering the collection of crucial data.

The NAU unequivocally condemns any form of harassment and non-collaboration and urges members and the public to cooperate with enumerators and report any incidents promptly.

“It is crucial for the success of the census and the well-being of our communities that enumerators can carry out their duties without fear or intimidation,” she said.

The union remains in regular contact with members and the NSA to address and resolve arising matters swiftly and efficiently. In light of the current crime situation on farms, the NAU additionally requests enumerators to act professionally and sensibly to achieve effective data recording. The current extensive survey aims to collect invaluable data on the demographic, social, and economic characteristics of the nation, including specifics on age, sex, marital status, educational attainment, employment status, occupation, income, housing units, tenure, and availability of basic amenities.

Farmers seeking further information or wishing to make enquiries have been directed to contact the NAU, ensuring that all parties involved in this significant national endeavour can act in unison to facilitate the progression and betterment of society, reflecting a unified stance against intimidation and towards the collation of essential national data.

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