Economic revitalization will bring more migrants to urban areas

Niël Terblanché

High numbers of people are expected to migrate to the Erongo Region following the future establishment of at least two green hydrogen-producing plants along the Namibian coast and the prospect of improved Uranium prices on the world market.

These developments have ignited hope among the region’s residents for a brighter economic future.

Dina Namubes, the Mayor of Swakopmund expressed optimism about the resurgence of mining activities in the area, particularly at Langer Heinrich, where mining operations were restarted last year.

The mining sector holds great promise for job creation and economic growth in the region.

Mayor Trevino Forbes of Walvis Bay reiterated the town’s commitment to creating a more conducive environment for business activities.

Forbes identified Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) development as a key driver of job creation and economic development.

He said plans are being finalised to provide facilities and support for SMEs to thrive in Walvis Bay.

Henties Bay Mayor, Lewies Vermaak said several development plans were in progress. He, however, acknowledged that certain processes, such as environmental impact studies, must be completed before the implementation of such plans.

He added that Henties Bay also aims to attract larger businesses to diversify its economy beyond its reputation as a mere holiday destination.

Neville Andre, the Governor of the Erongo Region, called upon the mayors of Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, and Henties Bay to expand their service delivery capabilities in anticipation of a significant urban-rural migration.

He admitted that the influx of rural residents seeking education and job opportunities in these coastal towns has strained local authorities, making it challenging to meet the increasing demands for basic services.

Andre stressed the need for the coastal towns to improve their capacity to accommodate the growing population.

He stressed the importance of engaging residents, providing essential services, and creating an inviting environment for investment to ensure the region’s continued growth.

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