Education Ministry to regulate entry requirements for teaching profession

Hertta-Maria Amutenja

The Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture is drafting an Act of Parliament intended to elevate the status of teaching in Namibia.

This Act will set the professional prerequisites for entry into the teaching profession and outline the standards to which all teachers must adhere.

During the World Teachers’ Day celebrations in Outapi, themed “The teachers we need for the education we want: The global imperative to reverse the teacher shortage,” Education Minister Anna Nghipondoka announced this initiative.

She also shed more light on the numerous challenges confronting the teaching sector while stressing the need for decisive action.

“As we commemorate World Teachers’ Day, it’s essential to reflect on the profession’s future and equip all dedicated teachers for the complexities of teaching in diversity and the diverse approaches within it. The task of attracting bright young minds to teaching is a growing global concern, and we need the best to instruct our students,” Ngipondoka remarked.

She emphasized the acute global and national shortage of adept teachers – a deficit further deepened by deteriorating working conditions and diminishing professional stature.

“We have a pressing duty to address this crisis, placing emphasis on recruiting, retaining, and inspiring teachers and educators. The teaching profession offers a unique chance to profoundly impact individuals, sculpting sustainable futures and deriving personal satisfaction in the process,” she said.

Ngipondoka emphasized that education is society’s bedrock, with teachers serving as knowledge custodians, ushering students down a journey of learning and self-awareness to mould the world’s future.

“Today, let’s recall that World Teachers’ Day is not just for awareness but for celebration and gratitude. It’s about acknowledging the unwavering commitment of every teacher who leaves an enduring impression on our children’s lives,” she commented.

This year’s theme for the 2023 celebrations, she noted, seeks to accentuate the need to augment the cadre of skilled teachers.

This endeavour would involve a tight-knit partnership with Higher Education Institutions to align teacher demand with supply.

She conveyed the ministry’s dedication to championing a revered and esteemed teaching profession by examining its obstacles and spotlighting exemplary practices that attract, retain, and enthuse teachers and educators.

“Teaching in Namibia presents its challenges. Whereas teachers were once revered, esteemed, and viewed as youth role models, such veneration has waned over time. Thus, we urge parents to rally behind our teachers, collaborating with them to guarantee every child access to their rightful education,” she concluded.

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