Exclusive Interview with Rosvitha Ghunonga Mansodi aka DJ Rossberry, Kavango Super Cup Festival Spokes person

NAME : Rosvitha Ghunonga Mansodi
aka DJ Rossberry
DATE OF BIRTH : 12 September
POSITION : Marketing officer
ORGANIZATION : Kavango Super Cup Festival
POSITION : Spokes person
CLUB : Kavango Super Cup Festival

Who is DJ Rossberry, and how did you end up being involved in sports?
My journey in sports started in 2021 when I was appointed to become a social media manager for a sports festival called Kavango Super Cup. I started creating content for sports and interviewing the players and the public about the tournament. 2022 I was appointed as the marketing officer for the festival, I did the branding and marketing, In 2023 I was appointed to be the spokesperson for the festival I did all the interviews for TV Print and radio, and I was also able to do content creation for other tournaments in the Kavango regions as well.
My involvement in sports has and is always about marketing sports, to attract the community and different teams to be part of a certain sports event. My career path is a marketing officer for sports.

What inspired to get involved in sports?
I consider myself as somebody who is out going. I want to be out there meeting people and that why the love for marketing, as I have been and still a brand ambassador and marketing officer for different brands and companies since 2020. As far as sports is concerned I have been involved in netball and volleyball teams in high school and tertiary.
You all of us have somebody who has contributed to your grow, and for me, I have always looked up to Enock Kaumba, who I believe is one of the most greatest journalist in sports that makes sure people get information about sports in local, African and international.

I also got inspired by so many tournaments and sports festival happening in the Kavango region were most organizers and promoters originated from.
Why sports?
What sparked my interest is the relationship you build when you work closely with people, and in sport there is no other way, from administrators to athletes. When I started as a social media manager for a tournament, I did not know what to expect, but when I got to interview, one of Kavango best athlete, Christine Mboma, this was one my proudest moment in my career. Speaking to one of the one of the greatest Olympic medalist, a legend in sports and also being able to come up with the slogan of Okavango super cup festival, which the festival is still using.

Any high memorable moments or low moments, which you can recall?
I have had a lot of memorable moment, while being involved in sports, as it gives me the opportunity to do all sort of marketing strategy for tournaments and the community and teams. When I do this things I become part and parcel of the event that am involved in.
Like everybody we have bad days, mine are when I cannot be able to identify with a team or community that am working with. It take a lot of my energy out as I want to feel and be able to energize others. For me if that happens, I always make sure to do better and greater next time for example If am responsible for distributing marketing material and I have only 100 posters to paste, I will do 1000 next time, if social media was the only source of marketing in the previous tournament next time all platforms will be used.

Has being involved in sports and specifically the marketing, contributed to your growth?
As a woman it’s a challenge in an environment dominated by me, but the thought of the challenges, make me stronger. I consider challenges as opportunity to keep me on my toes, to be alert and prepared and to learn from my mistakes. As a person I have evolved in a good way as I have so much experience about sports and I am able to talk about the rules and regulations of most sport codes.
I can also say that I have had positive lessons that I have gained, but also I have learnt that sports is not only about fun but it is also about money.
On the other side I have had negative experiences, especially when you have to be on your feet and you get injured, just like the athlete, it is very frustrating, and it feels like the injury is taking forever to heal.
What advice do you have for people interested your choosen career path?
An advice I have for people that would love to do my career is that know who you are first, love sports and do if for the love not money, make sure that you have good communication skills and be creative always.
How do you balance your life?
I have learnt some secrets from some of the athlete and people in sports, it is important always to have a schedule of your activities for each and every day and make sure to follow it and don’t change or skip anything unless it is an emergency.

You sound like somebody who is very organized, do you have any support systems?
The support system has always been my family and friends that will stick by my side, help me when they can and always support the good work that I am doing by sharing it.
Currently my source of inspiration is Nancy isime who is a marketing and brand ambassador guru, she’s always making sure the sports brand she advertises are very unique and selling to the public to all age groups.

Can you share how your typical day is?
My typical daily routine starts at the radio station at 10, do a show at 11 to 4pm, at 5pm I hit the gym at 6pm I get down to study and record adverts for my clients as I am a voice over artist.
Yu see, I have come to learn that physical preparation always helps you mentally.It is important to ensure that your body is fit and healthy by exercising at least four times a week.
What do you enjoy most about being involved in sports?
The aspects of sports that I enjoy is when all registered teams are able to play the tournament and the tournament ends in joy. I also love when people do different sports codes are able to engage in the social activities. The less enjoyable part is when players starts disagreeing with the referees or managements.
Being involved in sports has affected my life in a good way as I have become popular because of sports. Sports has also given me an opportunity to be able to provide for my family.
I feel a sence of accomplishment, during a sports event especially if am able to convince people to buy tickets, and the tournament is packed. I get excited when I become the centre of attention, especially when there is media coverage.

What legacy would you want to be remembered?
I am currently engaged in teaching the younger generation and making for them a path to work in.

Any advice to other people involved in sports?
To all the coaches and athletes do it for the love and never give up.
What would you consider to be the most valuable take away from your involvement in sports?
My most valuable experience is being able to learn about sports. If I could go back in time I could make sure all the adverts that were selling, income is made from them.

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