Gender equality promoted through ecosystem adaptation

Hertta-Maria Amutenja

Environmental Investment Fund (EIF) and the Ministry of Environment Forestry and Tourism (MEFT), have joined forces to address gender equality within the Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (EBA) project in Otjozondjupa region during a two-day gender mainstreaming training in Otjiwarongo this week.

During the training, Gender Young Professional from EIF Kredula Shimwandi, highlighted EIF’s commitment to gender equity and equality, underscoring the differentiated impact of climate change on genders and the necessity of involving both women and men in climate action.

“Teach your boys and girls how to carry out daily activities without discriminating based on gender roles,” Shimwandi urged, emphasising the need to build resilience and address climate change without bias at the grassroots level.

The training was facilitated by Project Manager Bryan Gaomab, who set the tone for open dialogue on integrating gender considerations into both project and community activities, emphasising the importance of addressing gender dynamics at every stage of planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

The workshop also delved into the critical importance of Gender Sensitive Reporting, with the EBA Project Management Unit emphasising the integral role of reporting requirements in giving voice to the gender dynamics within the project.Furthermore, as the training concluded, Gaomab urged project beneficiaries to champion gender mainstreaming and called for collective action against the impacts of climate change, emphasising unity in working towards a sustainable and equitable future.

EIF Corporate Communications Manager Lot Ndamanomhata, said in the process of transformation, each spoken word, shared insight, and commitment has contributed as a thread.

“In this journey of transformation, every word spoken, every insight shared and every commitment made became a thread in the fabric of change, weaving a story of resilience, inclusion and shared responsibility,” expressed Ndamanomhata.

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