GIZ donates IT equipment to persons with disabilities

Martin Endjala

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) through its Sustainable Development Goals Initiative (SDGI) and its Leave No One Behind principle, handed over essential Information Technology (IT) equipment to the Organisation of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs).

The handover ceremony took place last week in Windhoek at the Disability Resource Centre (DRC), in Okuryangava.

The equipment will be used to facilitate data collection and mark the final activities of the GIZ Disability Data Collection Project in Namibia.

The donated equipment are desktop computers, monitors and tablets, designed to enable effective data digitisation, storage and advocacy.

The data gathered will make the OPDs vital hubs for collecting high-quality disability-related data to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities.

An assessment conducted in 2022 by Green Enterprise Solutions and Disability Expert Consultant Ebenhard Ripunda, revealed critical gaps in IT infrastructure among OPDs.

Ripunda said GIZ partnered with OPDs to bridge the gaps and bolster its data collection capabilities. Adding that he recently trained OPD leaders and assistants in utilising the Kobo toolbox and Kobo Collect applications.

Kobo Toolbox is a free open-source tool for data collection, available to all. It allows users to collect data using mobile devices such as mobile phones or tablets, as well as with paper or computers.

It is particularly useful in membership registration, needs assessments, monitoring and other data collection activities. GIZ Technical Advisor Rachel Shiweda, who also spoke at the same event, highlighted the transformative potential of the collected data, saying that the collected can be used by policymakers for better policies and also by OPDs to advocate better for their needs and services for their members. “This project is crucial, as accurate and up-to-date disability data is essential to informed policymaking and effective advocacy. OPDs play a pivotal role in both domains,” she said.

One of the persons with disabilities at the (OPDs) who wish to remain anonymous expressed heartfelt gratitude, stating, that they are grateful for the equipment as the contribution will significantly enhance their operational efficiency and, most importantly, enable them to capture disaggregated data for people with disabilities.” The donated IT equipment to OPDs is said to signify a vital step toward realizing sustainable and inclusive development, aligning with GIZ’s commitment to fostering positive change through innovation and partnership.

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