Governor involved in motorcade accident

Niël Terblanché

A motorist lost control and veered off the road after being instructed by traffic officials to make way for Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah’s motorcade on Saturday morning.

The accident occurred between Lüderitz and Aus, causing a chain reaction that involved multiple vehicles, including that of the Karas Regional Governor, Aletha Frederick.

The convoy, which included the Vice President’s official vehicle and other security details from the Namibian Police’s very important persons protection (VIPP) directorate, was travelling from Lüderitz towards Aus when the incident unfolded.

According to police reports, the trouble began when a vehicle approaching from the opposite direction was directed by outrunners to pull over.

The sudden manoeuvre forced the driver to lose control, leading to near-catastrophic consequences.

Governor Frederick’s vehicle, which was part of the Vice President’s convoy, was unable to avoid colliding with the VIPP vehicle in the ensuing confusion.

Additionally, it struck the out-of-control vehicle, resulting in the crash.

The governor, her driver, and three other occupants of her vehicle emerged from the crash without injuries. The same was true for the four specialist officers of the VIPP vehicle involved.

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