Itope takes the reigns at CPBN

Idi Itope will take over as new CEO of the Central Procurement Board of Namibia effective 1 June. Itope has previously worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers and the Namibia Revenue Agency. Itope told Observer Money that the CPBN has many challenges and that his approach will be to first understand the internal environment and do what is necessary and possible to overcome them in a coordinated and long lasting manner.

Observer Money (OM): What led you to take up this challenge?

Idi Itope (II): I decided to compete transparently with other equally capable Namibians for the Chief Executive Officer position primarily because of my willingness, motivation and inclination to serve with integrity at a high level. I accepted, gladly and humbly, the enormous responsibility of leading an organisation with a diverse team because of my conviction to make a tactile and long lasting positive impact.

OM: What does the CPBN board expect from you?

II: The strategic discussions with the board, which I hold in high esteem, will commence after the effective date of assumption. However, a prior expectation pertains to the effective governance, strengthening team cohesion and leading a successful and growing organization that meets the high expectations of the shareholder and stakeholders alike. The integrated strategic plan is in place and I have no doubt that the Board expects the team to vigorously execute it and attain key milestones.

OM: How do you expect to lead the CPBN into the future?

II: It all begins with a capable and professional team, which I am rather fortunate and grateful to find in place. I thank the board and management for this achievement. The right people will be, indubitably, a critical asset in shaping the institution and fulfilling its mandate. Our focus will be on what needs to be achieved as measured by key results. We will either meet key results or we won’t, there will be no grey area, no room for doubt.

With a cohesive team coalesced around a shared vision, we will need to adopt or strengthen the right organizational culture based on our values. This will be important in driving CPBN to greater heights by pursuing its vision and mission.

For any leader and team members, the administrative systems and processes should help them attain key set targets. This alignment will be critical for us at CPBN to succeed in our future endeavors by operating in a structured manner.

OM: In your opinion, what are some of the challenges that are facing the CPBN?

II: The challenges are undoubtedly many. At this point in time, it will be premature to enumerate them. My approach is seeking first to understand from an internal environment and do what is necessary and possible to overcome them in a coordinated and long lasting manner. The main focus will be on progress. The measure will be on progress. With better understanding and awareness, we will be in a better position to devise appropriate strategies and marshal the required resources.

OM: How do you plan to address the negative perceptions around the CPBN in the awarding of tenders?

II: CPBN has over the years done extremely well in terms of transparency pertaining to its operations. That is laudable and shall be maintained for this public institution. For as long as we conduct our business fairly, professionally, efficiently and within the ambit of the law then we are on track to realizing the enshrined mandate and vision. Should there be controversies or untoward conduct, we will ascertain and understand the cause and effectively safeguard the reputation of the institution.

OM: What message do you have for CPBN stakeholders ahead of your takeover on 1 June?

II: In good time we will engage the stakeholders. We absolutely need their input in our operations. We need to and will consider them in our administrative actions. They will help us shape the institution for the greater common good. The commitment to foster dynamic and impactful engagements with a multitude of stakeholders is paramount.

OM: Do you wish to add anything?

II: The institution that I have the honor to be appointed to belongs to the Namibian nation. Created to serve in the interest of the Namibian people. We are accountable servants inspired by the Kaizen philosophy of continuous improvement. The media plays an important role of disseminating our message, broadcasting our dealings and engaging us on behalf of the masses. As we collaborate and do what is right we all win in the end.

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