Just Saying with Matts Haikali

This past two weeks, I have had the privilege to be hosted by the loving residents of Rundu, in the Kavango East region. In the realm of sports, the transformation of a town into a dynamic hub for athletes and enthusiasts can be a game-changer. Rundu, nestled in the heart of the region, has the potential to step onto the international sports stage with the right strategy. The recent turnout at a local sporting event demonstrate the need for more investments in sports, both by the local authority and central government.

Am just saying by revitalizing existing facilities and establishing a high-performance center, Rundu could not only amplify the performance of local athletes but also attract global sporting icons, thereby fostering a new era of sports tourism.

Am just saying, while there are a lot of facilities in Rundu, most of them are in deplorable conditions, and this can not only be blamed on the authorities but also on the people in sports. There is a need to develop skills around facility management, if Rundu’s existing sports facilities are to support a thriving sports culture.

Am just saying, to fully unleash its potential, these facilities need to undergo a process of renovation and modernization. Upgraded infrastructure, from well-maintained stadiums to world-class training facilities, would send a strong message that Rundu is committed to fostering athletic excellence. Such a commitment would not only benefit local athletes but also attract regional competitions, thereby establishing Rundu as a reliable host for sports events.

Central to the vision of Rundu’s sports ascendancy is the establishment of a high-performance center. This center would serve as a nucleus of athletic innovation, offering top-tier training resources, cutting-edge sports science facilities, and access to expert coaching. By nurturing local talents like Boma, Masilingi, and Shitembi, Rundu and the region has shown that the talent exists and center of this nature would elevate the performance of upcoming athletes, helping them to excel on the international stage. This would not only create local sports heroes but also encourage young aspirants to pursue their dreams with the knowledge that they have access to world-class training.

The benefits of such a high-performance center would extend beyond local athletes. Imagine Rundu becoming a magnet for renowned international athletes seeking optimal training conditions. With state-of-the-art facilities and a supportive environment, the region could attract sports legends and icons for training camps, exhibitions, and workshops. This influx of talent would not only provide a unique opportunity for local athletes to learn from the best but also position Rundu as a global sports hub, bolstering its reputation and attracting visitors from around the world.

One of the most exciting outcomes of this transformation would be the rise of sports tourism. As international athletes and fans flock to Rundu for various sporting events and activities, the local economy would experience a significant boost. Hotels, restaurants, and local businesses would thrive, creating a ripple effect that benefits the entire community. This economic upswing could pave the way for further development and investment in the region, turning Rundu into a model for sustainable growth driven by sports tourism.

Am just saying, with a visionary and young energetic CEO, the active involvement of the local council, community leaders, and stakeholders, collaborative efforts would ensure in securing funding, developing the necessary infrastructure, and establishing partnerships with sporting bodies and institutions. A united front will be crucial in building momentum and transforming Rundu into a sports powerhouse.

Am just saying.

Mathew Haikali is a sports consultant, an managing member of Just Imagine Sports

E: mathew.haikali@justimaginesports,com

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