Kawana invites everyone to celebrate Independence Day

Niël Terblanché

The Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security, Dr Albert Kawana, has invited all Namibians to partake in the 34th Independence Day celebrations, while also emphasizing the significance of the occasion.

Addressing the public and community policing forums in Katima Mulilo recently, Kawana stressed the importance of the event, encouraging every person but especially, the residents of the Zambezi Region to attend in large numbers and to be witness to the special day.

Kawana highlighted the country’s remarkable journey over the past 34 years, noting the achievements and advancements made in various sectors.

He pointed out the training and development of Namibian professionals, including medical doctors, engineers, pilots, and military experts, as one of the many successes to celebrate.

According to Kawana, this year’s Independence Day will not only serve as a reflection of Namibia’s progress but also showcase the expertise of its people, with specially trained military personnel demonstrating their skills during a colourful parade.

Adding to the sense of anticipation, Police Inspector General, Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo, assured the public of the police force’s readiness to maintain peace and stability during the celebrations in Katima Mulilo.

At the same time, the Namibian Defence Force (NDF) is set to stage a parade, marking a key highlight of the 34th Independence Anniversary.

Residents and visitors can expect to see the disciplined march of soldiers, the precision of a 21-gun salute, and the thrill of an aircraft fly-pass and free-fall paradropping, underscoring the nation’s pride and military prowess.

These activities aim to perfect the choreography of the parade and ensure that the Independence Day ceremony is a memorable and dignified homage to Namibia’s sovereignty and the sacrifices made for its defence.

According to Kawana, Independence Day serves as a reminder of the unity and collective spirit that have propelled the nation forward.

He added that it is a time for reflection, gratitude, and renewed hope as Namibians from all walks of life come together to honour their country’s past and pray for a prosperous future.

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