Khomas Regional Council charts a new course for citizen satisfaction

Niël Terblanché

The Khomas Regional Council has convened in Swakopmund for a critical mid-year review, where they assessed their accomplishments in the first two quarters of the year and contemplated the challenges faced in their pursuit of citizen satisfaction.

Council Chairman, Shaalukeni John Moonde, set the tone for the session by emphasizing the need for the council to stay true to the aspirations of the region’s residents and channel their energy and resources toward meeting citizen expectations.

“Our government has identified priority areas to uplift our people from poverty and underdevelopment. Our plans and strategies are all aligned with national goals, such as the Harambee Prosperity Plan II, NDP5, and Vision 2030. Our interventions, projects, and programs must reflect these national objectives,” Moonde said. In the review of their achievements and challenges, Moonde reiterated the need to keep the aspirations of the region’s people as the driving force behind their endeavours. He urged council members to embrace their core values of accountability, transparency, integrity, professionalism, responsiveness, and teamwork, which provide a clear framework for the council’s operations.

Moonde expressed his gratitude to all participants and stressed the importance of the constitutional mandate placed on the Khomas Regional Council.

This mandate requires the governing body to coordinate and oversee the implementation of development activities within the region, with a primary focus on service delivery and the welfare of the residents.

Moonde also commended the hard work and commitment of all council members in delivering services to the Khomas Region’s residents during the first half of the year.

He encouraged the governing body to maintain the same dedication and vigour as they move forward into the remainder of the financial year.

The Chairman extended special thanks to Governor Laura McLeod-Katjirua for her continuous support, cooperation, and leadership.

He also acknowledged the contributions of fellow councillors in their respective constituencies, recognizing their vital role in achieving the council’s goal of providing essential services to the people of Khomas.

According to Moonde, the mid-year review serves as a critical moment for the Khomas Regional Council to realign their efforts, address challenges, and ensure they continue working diligently towards the betterment of the region and its residents.

“The commitment to citizen satisfaction and alignment with national development goals remain at the forefront of their mission,” Moonde concluded.

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