Lea’s Sins: An exclusive interview with author, Lea Matheus.

Lea Matheus is a 31 years old Science teacher, a profession she absolutely loves. She recently published her debut novel titled, “Worry about your sins, God won’t ask you mine.”

Where were you born and raised?
I was born in Okahandja, and due to unforseen circumstances, we moved to the north. Though I moved to Luderitz, and Windhoek later; I’d say my life was based more in the north.

Can you tell us about your family?
When I was very young, my parents sadly passed away. It was a difficult time for our family, and I was left without their guidance and love. But I was incredibly fortunate to have a loving and caring family network that stepped in to fill the void.
My siblings and aunts played a pivotal role in my life during those early years. They became like second parents to me, providing not only emotional support but also making sure I had everything I needed. They were always there to offer a helping hand, offer advice, and most importantly, provide a nurturing and loving environment.

What did you study and where did you complete your qualifications?
Back in high school, I was doing exceptionally well and had a dream of studying medicine. I had my sights set on a career in the medical field, wanting to make a difference in people’s lives through healthcare. But, as they say, life has its own plans.
I ended up pursuing a different path and studied Education at the University of Namibia, specifically at the Hifikepunye Pohamba campus in Ongwediva where I obtained my Honors Degree in Education.

What inspired the title of your book?
The title of my book, “Worry about your sins, God won’t ask you mine,” is something that came to me after a lot of thought and reflection. You see, I’ve always been intrigued by the way people tend to judge and criticize others without taking a good look at themselves first. It’s a behavior that I believe needs some serious reconsideration.
The inspiration for this title came from a desire to make people pause and think. When we point fingers at others and pass judgment, it’s almost as if we’re trying to divert attention away from our own shortcomings. But the truth is, we all have our own flaws and mistakes. None of us are perfect.
The idea behind the title is that we should focus on our own actions and behavior instead of obsessing over the actions and behavior of others. In essence, it’s a call to self-reflection. I wanted the title to be a reminder that we should be more concerned with our own actions, our own “sins,” if you will, before we start casting stones at others.
The mention of God in the title is symbolic. It’s a reminder that, in the grand scheme of things, we’re all accountable for our own actions to a higher power, whatever that may be for each individual. It’s a way of saying that there’s something greater than ourselves that we should be mindful of.
I hope that the title of my book sparks curiosity and encourages people to pick it up and explore its contents. Ultimately, I want readers to realize that it’s more productive to look within themselves, address their own shortcomings, and strive to be better individuals rather than constantly pointing fingers at others. It’s a small step towards creating a more understanding and compassionate world.

What inspired you to delve into topics of morality and human relationships?
My inspiration to delve into topics of morality and human relationships, as reflected in my book “Worry about your sins, God won’t ask you mine,” comes from a deep concern for the way we interact with one another in today’s world. Let me share a bit more about why these themes are so important to me.
You see, I’ve always been an observer of human behavior, fascinated by the intricate dance of emotions and actions that define our relationships. Over the years, I’ve witnessed a troubling trend of judgment and condemnation becoming all too common. People often seem quick to point fingers at others, to criticize and pass moral judgments, without taking a moment to look within themselves.
This phenomenon troubled me deeply. I believe that the world could be a much better place if we all took a step back and examined our own actions and motivations before casting stones at others. So, I embarked on a journey to explore these themes through my writing.
I wanted to create a work that would resonate with a wide audience, because this issue affects us all, regardless of our backgrounds or beliefs. I believe that by shining a light on the importance of self-reflection and empathy, we can start to bridge the divides in our society.
Morality and human relationships are at the core of what it means to be human. They shape our interactions, our communities, and our world. By addressing these topics in my book, I hope to encourage readers to pause and think about their own actions and judgments. I want them to consider how they can contribute to a more compassionate and understanding society.
In my own life, I’ve been on both sides of the judgmental fence. I’ve made mistakes and faced criticism, and I’ve also caught myself passing judgment on others. These personal experiences have fueled my passion to explore these themes in depth and offer a perspective that promotes self-awareness and kindness.
Ultimately, my inspiration for delving into topics of morality and human relationships stems from a genuine desire to make the world a better place, one where we treat each other with respect and empathy. I believe that if we can all take a moment to worry about our own flaws before judging others, we can create a more harmonious and understanding world for everyone.
Are there any specific literary works or authors that you admire and draw inspiration from, either within or outside the realm of non-fiction?
In the world of non-fiction, I’ve always found immense inspiration in the works of Brené Brown. Her books on vulnerability, courage, and empathy have a profound way of delving into the human experience and encouraging us to be more open and compassionate. Her ability to blend research with personal stories resonates deeply with me and has influenced my own approach to writing.

At what age did you start with your writing career?
I began my journey as a writer when I was in high school. Back then, I didn’t have fancy tools or computers; I simply used a pen and empty notebooks to bring my stories to life. It was a humble beginning, but I was still passionate about writing.
One of the highlights of my early writing days was a book of fiction I created called “The Tears of Success.” It was a story that my fellow learners couldn’t get enough of; they used to argue over who got to read it next. I had crafted an imaginary world within its pages, and it seemed to resonate with them.
But, as life went on, I found myself getting distracted by other responsibilities, like focusing on my studies. Sadly, this meant that my writing journey didn’t progress as far as I had hoped. But here’s the good news – I still have those notebooks with my stories tucked away. Who knows, maybe someday they’ll see the light of day once again.
How do you think your book contributes to the ongoing conversation on self-reflection and morality in today’s world?
My book, “Worry about your sins, God won’t ask you mine,” is a reflection of my passion for highlighting an issue that affects many of us in society. You could say I’m a bit of a crusader for fairness and understanding among people. So, let me dive into who I’ve aimed this book at and why it matters so much.
I wrote this book with a broad audience in mind, almost every adult, because the message it carries is universal. I wanted to reach out to people who tend to point fingers and judge others, something we’ve all encountered at some point in our lives. These individuals often forget that none of us are without our own flaws and imperfections.
I believe that judgment and criticism can be harmful, not just to those being judged but also to the ones passing judgment. It’s important for us, as a society, to foster empathy and compassion. My book aims to make readers pause and think about how they perceive and treat others. It’s a call to self-reflection, encouraging us all to be a little more understanding and less quick to criticize.
As for a bit about myself, I’m just an ordinary person who has seen and experienced the impact of judgment and criticism. These experiences have fueled my desire to shed light on this issue through my writing. I’ve spent years researching and delving into human behavior and psychology, and this book is the culmination of that effort.
Through my writing, I hope to not only reach a wide audience but also to touch hearts and minds. I want readers to know that it’s okay to be imperfect, that we all make mistakes, and that it’s more productive to support and uplift each other rather than tearing each other down.
In a world that often seems divided and judgmental, my goal with this book is to promote unity, understanding, and kindness. I hope that, through my words, I can inspire positive change in how we interact with one another and ultimately create a more compassionate and accepting society.
In our fast-paced and increasingly interconnected world, it’s all too easy to judge others without really taking a moment to understand them. We live in a time where social media and constant information bombardment often push us to form quick opinions and pass judgments. This can lead to a lack of empathy and a disconnect between people.
My book is essentially a gentle nudge for readers to pause and reflect on their own actions and attitudes. It’s an invitation to take a step back and consider whether we’re being fair in our judgments. Are we too quick to point fingers? Do we truly know the whole story behind someone’s actions or choices? These are the questions I want my readers to ask themselves.
In essence, the book encourages self-reflection. It’s about looking within before casting judgment on others. By doing so, we can foster a more compassionate and understanding society. It’s about realizing that none of us are perfect, and we all have our own struggles and imperfections.
Morality, in today’s world, sometimes feels like a shifting landscape. What’s considered right and wrong can vary greatly depending on one’s background, beliefs, and experiences. However, there are fundamental principles that unite us, such as kindness, empathy, and respect. My book highlights these universal values and urges readers to prioritize them in their interactions with others.
In a world where divisive issues often dominate headlines, it’s crucial to have conversations that promote self-awareness and moral growth. My book doesn’t provide all the answers, but it offers a starting point for individuals to think about their actions and attitudes. It’s a small contribution to a larger dialogue on building a more empathetic and morally grounded society.
Ultimately, I hope that “Worry about your sins, God won’t ask you mine” can inspire readers to take a moment to reflect on how they perceive and treat others. If it encourages even a handful of people to be more compassionate and less judgmental, then I believe it has made a meaningful contribution to the ongoing conversation on self-reflection and morality in today’s world.

Is this your first book? Take us through your journey as an author. What led you to pursue writing, and how has your writing evolved over the years?
My first published book, “Believe me you I’m your surgeon,” was born out of an unexpected opportunity. I dropped every other book I was working on and entered a writing competition held by Microwide Publishing last year, never really considering myself a published author that soon. To my surprise, my fiction piece won the third prize in this competition, and that’s when I started to think seriously about writing as a path I wanted to explore.
The truth is, writing has always been a quiet passion of mine, a secret escape from the demands of daily life. I’ve always loved the power of words, how they can transport you to different worlds or make you feel deeply connected to characters and stories. It’s like magic on paper.
My journey as an author is a bit like a roller coaster. There are moments of incredible inspiration and motivation when the words flow effortlessly, and then there are times when I doubt myself and question whether I have anything worth sharing. That’s why ive mentioned that I’ve been working on other pieces that are yet to be published.
Those unpublished works are my ongoing challenge. Sometimes, I’ll start something and then drop it, feeling like I lack the courage or the words aren’t quite right. But I always come back to writing because it’s a part of me.

How does your educational background contribute to this book?
As a teacher, I’ve spent many years interacting with students of all backgrounds and abilities. This experience has given me a deep understanding of how people learn, grow, and form their beliefs. I’ve witnessed firsthand the impact of judgment and criticism on learners’ self-esteem and motivation.

When did you realize that you have a story to share with the world?
I realized I had a story to share with the world a few years ago, and it wasn’t an instant realization but rather a gradual journey. Writing “Worry about your sins, God won’t ask you mine” was a process that spanned two years and was marked by moments of doubt, frustration, and inspiration.

What challenges did you encounter putting this book together?
Writing this book has been a journey filled with challenges, doubts, and moments of frustration. Let me share some of the hurdles I faced during the two-year process of putting this book together.
One of the biggest challenges was consistency. There were times when I was really excited about the book, full of ideas and motivation. But then, life would throw its curveballs – personal and professional responsibilities, unexpected events, and even bouts of self-doubt

As an author, how important are book reviews for this book, and what have you learned from the reviews?
Book reviews are incredibly important for my book. They play a crucial role in helping potential readers decide whether or not to pick up a copy. Think of them as a recommendation from a friend – when people see positive reviews, they’re more likely to give the book a chance.
I’ve been fortunate to receive some great reviews for my book so far, and they’ve taught me a few valuable lessons. Firstly, they’ve shown me that the message I wanted to convey is resonating with readers. That’s a fantastic feeling because it means my efforts to shed light on the issue of judgment and criticism are hitting the mark.

How can one have access to your book and what price?
If you’d like to get a copy of my non-fiction book, “Worry about your sins, God won’t ask you mine,” it’s quite easy. You can reach out to me by sending an email to leakay97@gmail.com, and I’ll be delighted to assist you in acquiring a copy.
Additionally, for those who prefer a more direct approach, you can simply give me a call at 0814560708. I’m available to assist you in both Windhoek and Ongwediva, making it convenient for readers in those areas to obtain the book.
As for the price, the book is priced at N$250.00. .

How do you connect with your readers, and what role does reader engagement play in your writing career?
Connecting with my readers is an essential part of my writing journey, and I’ve found that social media, particularly my Instagram page author_Gamariel, has become a wonderful platform for this connection.
Through my Instagram page, I create a space where readers can engage with me and each other. It’s like a virtual book club where people share their thoughts, reviews, and experiences related to my book, “Worry about your sins, God won’t ask you mine.” I love hearing what resonates with them and how the book has impacted their lives.

What advice will you give to young and upcoming authors?
Believe in your unique voice and perspective. Each of us have a story to tell, and it’s essential to embrace your individuality as a writer. Don’t try to mimic others or conform to what’s popular. Your authenticity is your strength; it’s what will set your work apart.

What message do you have for the youth?
To all the youth out there, I want you to know that I’ve been through my fair share of doubt and hanging out with the wrong crowd. It took me a while to realize that I needed to make a change and surround myself with people who believed in my dreams.
Here’s the thing, though: no matter what challenges you face or how uncertain you may feel at times, you should always be true to yourself. Embrace who you are and what you’re passionate about. Your dreams and aspirations are unique to you, and that’s something special.
When I finally decided to focus on my writing and finish my book, it was a game-changer. I found the support I needed, and that’s when I made it happen. So, my advice to you is simple: don’t be afraid to switch lanes if it means getting closer to your dreams.
Surround yourself with people who lift you up, believe in your potential, and encourage you to be the best version of yourself. Remember, it’s your journey, and you have the power to shape it. Trust in your abilities, work hard, and stay true to your passions.
And always keep in mind, no matter how tough the road may seem, your unique perspective and experiences are what make you stand out. Embrace them, learn from them, and use them to fuel your dreams. So, go out there and chase those dreams with all your heart – you’ve got this!

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