MUN president digs in heels

Ester Mbathera

Ismael Kasuto, the president of the Mineworkers Union of Namibia (MUN), and his deputy Densley Somseb are refusing to vacate their respective positions in the union.

On Monday, the two of them, along with two other leaders, Abraham Baisako and Delila Tsibes, issued a statement, in which they claim that they received information that the group that removed them, is trying to take over the union.

They claim that the group wants to block them from carrying out a forensic audit of the union’s finances. They stated that the decision to release the financial report was one of the union’s 2023 congress resolutions.

“The current elected leadership will continue to execute what was mandated by congress without fear or favour and report all activities to the members. The leadership is looking forward to the extraordinary congress to give detailed feedback on our interventions during the 360 days,” read the statement.

The MUN is facing serious scrutiny after an audit revealed expenditure of N$18 million between 2015 and 2021, which is still unaccounted for.

The accounting anomaly brought to light a series of challenges related to financial transactions, membership fees and expenses.

The revelation has raised concerns about financial controls and documentation practices within the union.

The audit report highlights recurring issues related to revenue accuracy, the lack of proper documentation for expenditures, and challenges in assessing the value of investments.

On Sunday, an extra-ordination executive meeting in Tsumeb passed a motion of no confidence against Kasuto and Somseb.

Hashondali Kakuti, the MUN’s southern regional secretary, who chaired the meeting, confirmed the removal of the two leaders.

According to letters sent to them, Kasuto and Somseb’s removal is the result of their lack of leadership that hampers the union’s organisational health, social cohesion, and progress.

The union’s national executive appointed Mathew Mberiuana to act as president until the extraordinary congress, which is set for 28 May.

Mberiuana alleged that Kasuto used N$300,000 of the union’s funds for his personal legal fees.

He added that the union is engaging audit law firms to carry out the forensic audit, and the scope of the work will be discussed at an executive meeting scheduled for 11 May.

“Therefore, the national executive committee of the MUN wants to assure its ranks and files and the general membership that the organisation is now in good hands, and the leadership is hard at work to organise the extraordinary congress, whereby members will have the chance to express their views and redirect the organisation for the benefit of the members,” he said.

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