‘My journey to Miss Universe’ -Jameela

This was your first time traveling to Latin America. How was that experience?
Traveling from Namibia to a Latin American country like El Salvador was an exciting and culturally enriching experience. The journey to El Salvador involved several hours of flying but it was definitely worth it.

What can you tell us about El Salvador; the people, the country, etc?
El Salvador is a small but vibrant country located in Central America, known for its rich history, natural beauty, and warm hospitality. The “Salvadoreños,” are so friendly and welcoming and they are so eager to share their culture and traditions with others.
The country itself has beautiful diversed landscapes, my favorite was the beautiful beaches along the Pacific coast. El Salvador’s weather is generally warm and tropical, with distinct wet and dry seasons throughout the entire year. The locals told us they don’t experience winter which is quite interesting.

What were your expectations going into the Miss Universe competition?
My aspirations for participating in Miss Universe extended beyond simply seeking placement, networking, and enjoying the experience. I was driven by a desire to showcase my talents and convey the richness of my cultural heritage to my fellow delegates. While I held confidence in my preparations, it was the profound impact of the close door interviews that solidified my belief in my potential placement. I embarked on what I referred to as “The Untold Namibian Story,” aiming to advocate for the intelligent and beautiful Namibian, and indeed African, women who have graced Miss Universe stages without receiving the recognition they truly merit. It was in the interview room where I found my voice, marking the commencement of “The Untold Namibian Story” journey.

Your background has made you tough and resilient. How did that help you with the challenges you were experiencing in Miss Universe?
Having overcome significant challenges in my life prior to the Miss Universe experience, I found that this journey was made easier due to the resilience I had developed. I used my fears as a source of motivation, constantly reminding myself of my humble beginnings and the hardships I had surmounted to reach this point. Additionally, my unwavering passion for promoting my country and advancing my personal brand made it difficult for me to lose sight of my goals.

What was the toughest challenge you faced during the competing?
Amidst the competition, one of the toughest trials I faced was the inability to share my excitement with my late mother, who holds a special place in my heart. Furthermore, the physical demands of wearing heels throughout the day presented another challenge. However, as the famous saying goes, “suffer for beauty,” and in the end, the sacrifices I made were ultimately rewarding.

Did you manage to make friends during the competition?
During the competition, I not only formed friendships but also found sisters who offered invaluable support throughout the journey.

The nation was standing firmly behind you; were you able to follow that on social media?
The overwhelming support I received from the people of Namibia was not only visible, but also palpable. This experience held deep spiritual significance for me, and I remain awe-inspired by the way in which countless individuals came together to stand by my side.

And then the big night arrived. Can you tell about the atmosphere in the venue?

Amidst the intense atmosphere of the competition, maintaining focus and grounding oneself is crucial to avoid being swept away by the tumultuous emotions and energies swirling both within one’s own mind and from fellow delegates. While the overall environment is of chilliness, busyness, tension, and noise, my personal backstage and venue experiences were marked by a sense of pride, exhilaration, and gratitude.

You were the 4th person to be called in the Top20. Share that experience with us please?
Although some observers speculated that my expression upon being announced in the Top 20 indicated disbelief, in reality, I was overwhelmed with a sense of ease and contentment. Amid the surge of thoughts and emotions, being announced as the 4th finalist was truly unbelievable for me. Witnessing my national flag displayed among the tiles was an immensely heartwarming moment, and I exclaimed, “Yes! Now they see our flag, and now they know who we are!”

Turns out you were the only African contestant who made it into the Top 20. Is that correct?

Out of the three delegates who made it to the Top 20, representing Namibia, Cameroon, and South Africa, ascending the ranks from a small African nation to be ranked as the highest among all African countries filled me with immense joy. Additionally, being hailed as the African flag bearer for 2023 by numerous fans was a deeply gratifying experience for me.

Were you disappointed not to make it into the Top 10?
Although I felt disappointment at not making it to the top 10, I was also incredibly grateful for securing a spot in the top 20 out of 84 countries. Furthermore, achieving this placement meant a great deal to me personally as it marked Namibia’s first placement in the Miss Universe competition after a hiatus of 20 years.

You received quite the welcome back home. Care to share how that made you feel?
The warm and embracing reception I received left me feeling deeply admired, loved, and valued. This overwhelming show of support brought tears of joy to my eyes and has etched a memory in my heart that I will cherish forever.

What’s next for Miss /Uiras?
Moving forward, my focus shifts to my social cause, which centers on youth empowerment. My aim is to make a significant impact on the young people of our nation, empowering them to take charge and lead us into the future. Additionally, I aspire to embark on an entrepreneurial journey by starting my own business. And, of course, I am eager to begin the search for the next Miss Namibia, embracing the opportunity to nurture and support the next representative of our nation on the global stage.

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