Namibia welcomes UN resolution for ceasefire in Gaza

Niël Terblanché

In a significant move that emphasizes global concerns over the escalating conflict in Gaza, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 2728, calling for an immediate ceasefire during Ramadan and the release of all hostages.

Ambassador Penda Naanda, the Executive Director of the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation, said Namibia welcomed this development as a crucial step toward alleviating the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza, where relentless violence has claimed the lives of approximately 33,000 people, including over 13,000 children and about 8,400 women.

The resolution’s adoption was notably marked by the United States’ decision to abstain from voting. The decision by the US to abstain from voting or vetoing the resolution allowed it to pass.

The US’s abstention is a reflection of intricate diplomatic negotiations aimed at avoiding a veto, with the final text calling for “urgent steps to immediately allow safe, unhindered and expanded humanitarian access and to create the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities”.

U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Linda Thomas-Greenfield, expressed disappointment that the resolution did not condemn Hamas’ attacks on Israel but emphasized the importance of both sides respecting international humanitarian law.

The resolution, spearheaded by the United Arab Emirates, faced intense discussions to temper language that would have triggered a U.S. veto, indicating the delicate balance of international diplomacy in addressing the Gaza crisis.

The situation in Gaza remains dire, with the conflict resulting in thousands of deaths and injuries, as well as significant displacement and infrastructure damage.

Namibia’s call for a peaceful resolution and a two-state solution within pre-1967 borders echo the broader international community’s search for sustainable peace in the region.

The U.N. Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres stressed the urgent need for a ceasefire to address the “desperate needs of people in Gaza,” criticizing the impediments to humanitarian aid and stressing the necessity of ensuring security and logistical capacity for effective aid operations.

As the international community watches closely, the adoption of Resolution 2728 by the UN Security Council, represents a complex interplay of diplomatic efforts aimed at alleviating the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

The resolution’s passage, despite softened language on a ceasefire and inspection mechanisms, also emphasizes the ongoing challenges in achieving peace and highlights the importance of continued diplomatic engagement to address the root causes of the conflict.

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