Nampol strengthens security ahead of Geingob’s funeral

Niël Terblanché

Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo, the Inspector General of the Namibian Police, assured both Namibians and international visitors of their safety and security ahead of the upcoming weekend during a decisive address at the Otjomuise Police Station in Windhoek.

With numerous dignitaries from around the globe expected to arrive in Windhoek for the solemn occasion of laying President Hage Geingob to rest the period is particularly significant for safety and security.

Shikongo’s announcement was made during the launch of a joint operation with the Windhoek City Police, aimed at amplifying police visibility throughout the capital.

The General reiterated the importance of respectful conduct by members of the the police force towards community members, highlighting the dual focus on security and community relations.

Amidst this heightened security preparation, Shikongo issued a stern warning against the leakage of sensitive information, referencing a recent incident where activist Michael Amushelelo published autopsy results of victims involved in a police shooting.

His caution against breaches of confidentiality emphasized the broader challenges facing the police force in maintaining trust and operational integrity.

The General also addressed concerns regarding potential civil unrest, specifically mentioning threats to occupy vacant houses under the Mass Housing Project.

He reiterated the Namibian Police’s commitment to maintaining national peace and stability and stated that no deadline from an activist would compromise the way officers execute their duties.

In response to complaints about inadequate police response due to purported manpower and transport shortages, Shikongo announced plans to reallocate staff from the headquarters to various stations across Windhoek.

He dismissed the transport issue as an excuse and challenged his officers to fulfil their duties with available resources, reinforcing the expectation of proactive engagement with the community.

With over 400 officers assembled for the weekend operation’s launch, Shikongo’s message was clear: the Namibian Police are committed to ensuring the safety of all during this critical time, with an unwavering dedication to duty, community service, and the upholding of law and order.

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