NamPower must be called to order

Martin Endjala

Paulus Mbangu, a member of the National Council, has expressed dissatisfaction with the arrogance of NamPower when it defied a Cabinet directive to halt electricity interruption to towns whose accounts are in arrears.

Nampower stood its ground and disconnected the power supply to defaulting customers as part of its collection debt plan.

Mbangu said that Nampower cannot be allowed to act in such a way because it is a parastatal and should conform to the government’s instructions.

“Firstly, here in Kavango, we use prepaid electricity, meaning that we do not owe NORED or NamPower. Even schools already transitioned to prepaid electricity but now we must all be punished for one person’s mistake. Let those who owe NamPower, face the music. They should not drag down with them,” said a very agitated Mbangu”.

He called on President Hage Geingob to intervene by calling NamPower to order. He termed NamPower’s actions as injustice.

The MP stated that if the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises does not have the gumption to call NamPower to order that the President must deal with the matter.

According to the statement issued by NamPower, the corporation’s Board of Directors felt it necessary to continue with its planned power disconnection to customers in arrears to protect its interests and that of its shareholders.

The company further clarified and confirmed that it indeed did receive communication from the finance minister, Iipumbu Shiimi.

The Board of Directors and Management took a unanimous decision to exercise its fiduciary responsibilities towards the company.

The collection of debt plans and suspension of power to customers is in the best interests of the financial sustainability of the company and the sustainability of electricity in the country. NamPower maintained that disconnection of power to defaulters was its last resort after it exhausted all efforts to collect long outstanding debts.

The company called on defaulters to pay their dues for the sustainability of the company and supply of electricity countrywide while also warning those who fail to do so, will continue to suffer the planned phases stages of power disconnection from next week onward.

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