NDF warns public about increased military activities

Niël Terblanché

In the lead-up to Independence Day, the Namibian Defence Force (NDF) is meticulously preparing for a parade that is expected to be a centrepiece of the celebrations.

The streets around Katima Mulilo Stadium have become rehearsal grounds, with members of the military gathering since Sunday to perfect their routines.

The public has been advised to anticipate unusual movements, as soldiers and armoured vehicles will be more visible in the area from the 17th to the 22nd of March.

According to the Ministry of Defence and Veterans Affairs, these activities are part of the routine preparations for the Independence Day event and are designed to ensure that the day’s proceedings go off without a hitch.

Highlights of the ceremony will include a 21-gun salute, an aircraft fly-past, and the spectacle of free-fall parachutists gracefully descending into the sports complex where Independence Day will be celebrated.

According to the defence ministry, these demonstrations of military precision and dedication serve not only to entertain but also to pay homage to Namibia’s sovereignty and to those who have sacrificed in its defence.

Under the command of Air Commodore Abed Hihepa, Deputy Air Force Commander, and his deputy Navy Captain Paulinus Nuuyoma, the preparations for the parade reflect a coordinated effort across the branches of Namibia’s armed forces.

Warrant Officer 1 Petrus Haindaka will take up the vital role of Parade Sergeant Major, with Sergeant Johannes Tiliindje bringing rhythm and discipline as the Drum Major of the NDF Brass Band for the occasion.

As Namibia edges closer to marking its 34th year of sovereignty, the air in Katima Mulilo is abuzz with anticipation and national pride.

The upcoming Independence Day celebrations, themed “A People United for Prosperity,” promise a vivid tapestry of cultural performances, musical presentations, and entertainment activities, encapsulating the spirit and diversity of the nation.

Scheduled for Thursday, this year’s festivities are not just a commemoration but a vibrant showcase of Namibian heritage and unity.

For this year’s Independence Day, Namibians from all corners of the country have been invited to partake in the celebrations, reinforcing the theme of unity and prosperity.

It’s a time for reflection, celebration, and looking forward to a future where the nation continues to thrive together.

As the NDF assures the community of the routine nature of the preparations, the excitement builds for what promises to be a memorable celebration of Namibia’s 34 years of independence, sovereignty, and unity.

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