NUDO expresses discontent over the state of housing

Stefanus Nashama

The National Unity Democratic Organisation (NUDO) Secretary-General, Josef Kauandenge, has voiced the party’s dismay over the increasing reliance on shacks as homes in Namibia while the country’s leaders amass wealth.

Kauandenge labelled this trend a betrayal by those in power, who he accused of prioritizing their interests over those of the Namibian people.

“Instead of working for the best interests of the people, those in power seem to be looting and pilfering,” he remarked.

His comments came during NUDO’s belated 59th-anniversary celebration, held as a public meeting at the Havana informal settlement in Windhoek over the weekend.

Considering the length of time since Namibia’s independence, Kauandenge asserted that its citizens deserved superior housing. He emphasized that housing is a basic need, not a luxury.

“After 33 years of independence, what can Namibia proudly display? We stand here in Havana, one of the poorest informal settlements,” he observed.

Kauandenge highlighted that the divide between the rich and poor in Namibia, one of the world’s most unequal societies, is widening rapidly.

Addressing the employment situation, he called on the government to emphasize job creation.

“The Namibian people deserve employment, and it is the government’s responsibility to ensure job opportunities are available,” he said.

Kauandenge assured that NUDO would champion the cause for better housing and enhanced employment opportunities, aligning with the party’s foundational values.

Discussing NUDO’s evolution, Kauandenge stated that the party has transitioned from being ethnicity-centric to a genuinely national entity.

“This evolution underscores our commitment as the party’s current leadership to embrace all Namibians, regardless of their ethnicity, sexual orientation, or regional origin,” he stressed.

The politician expressed optimism about the upcoming 2024 government, believing it would be led by empathetic individuals.

He streesed the party’s commitment to achieving a just society where every Namibian has equitable access to resources.

Kauandenge encouraged party members to combat tribalism, remain true to the party’s principles, and prioritize the fight for economic freedom and equitable resource distribution.

According to Kauandenge, a significant anniversary celebration for NUDO is slated for next year.

In a related context, the Samora Machel Constituency Councillor, Nestor Kalola, informed the Windhoek Observer last week that all service delivery proposals for Windhoek residents are currently with the City of Windhoek management. Kalola urged the public to refrain from blaming him for the lag in development and inadequate service delivery in informal settlements.

The City of Windhoek’s Mayor, Joseph Uapingene, earlier this year informed this publication that the city lacks the budget to address all submitted proposals.

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