Old-age grant boosted with N$200

Hertta-Maria Amutenja

Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises, Iipumbu Shiimi has announced the increase in the Old Age Grant and Disability Grant.

The monthly grant will rise from N$1 400 to N$1 600.

“Accordingly, the Old Age Grant and the Disability Grant will be increased from N$1,400 to N$1,600 per month effective on 01 April 2024,” said Shiimi.

The minister made the announcement during the unveiling of the 2024/25 Financial Year Budget in Parliament yesterday under the theme, “Continuing the legacy of H. E. Dr. Hage G. Geingob by Caring for the Namibian Child”.

This comes after late President Hage Geingob shortly before his death, expressed his desire to raise the monthly old-age grant from N$1 400 to either N$2 000 or N$3 000.

“Before I leave office, I hope that the old age pension grant will be increased to N$2 000 or even N$3 000 per month,” Geingob said in his New Year’s message.

Shiimi, in his budget presentation, emphasised the government’s commitment to gradual yet steadfast progress.

“We fully recognise the dream of our departed President for a significant increase in the Old Age Grant, but we cannot afford to deliver on his dream in a single financial year,” stated Shiimi.

Beyond the direct increments, the budget allocates N$170 million for intensified food distribution to marginalised communities.

Furthermore, a substantial allocation of N$284.5 million has been earmarked to ensure complete coverage of the Orphan and Vulnerable Children Grant, outlining a targeted effort to uplift the most susceptible members of society.

Shiimi also highlighted developments in the Vote of Sports, Youth, and National Service, revealing a substantial increase of 45.3 percent to N$679.4 million for the financial year 2024/25, totalling N$2.2 billion over the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period.

He said allocations have been directed towards diverse youth programs, aiming to foster skills development and capacity building.

This includes provisions for skills development courses for out-of-school youth with a budget of N$20 million, youth training in charcoal and mushroom production programs with a budget of N$12 million, funding for the youth credit scheme with a budget of N$10 million, financing for 121 youth enterprises across all constituencies with a budget of N$9.8 million, and youth skills development through the National Youth Service with a budget of N$20 million.”

Acknowledging the renewed interest in sports activities, the operational budget for sports promotion programs has seen an additional of N$100 million.

Notably, Shiimi said N$29.5 million has been allocated for preparatory activities, facilitating the hosting of the Region 5 Youth Games in May 2025.

Additionally, N$124 million has been earmarked in the development budget for upgrading the Independence Stadium, as well as enhancing various sports facilities and multipurpose youth centres nationwide.

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