Otavi municipality dumpsite without Environmental Clearance Certificate

Hertta- Maria Amutenja

According to Namibia’s Auditor General Junias Kandjeke, the Otavi municipality’s dumpsite and sewerage pond lack an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC).

The sad state of affairs was revealed in the Auditor General’s report on the town’s accounts for the financial years ending 30 June 2020 and 2021.

Kandjeke said the town council failed to furnish ECC for both the dumpsite and the sewerage pond.

“The auditors observed that the Council has a dumpsite and sewerage pond, however, no environmental clearance certificate could be provided,” he said

The Auditor General said the town council neglected to allocate funds for a waste fine, amounting to N$ 500 000, as mandated by the Environmental Management Act of 2007.

As per the Act, individuals are prohibited from discarding or disposing of waste anywhere other than an approved disposal site declared by the Minister of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism or in a manner or by means of a facility or method and subject to such conditions as the Minister may prescribe.

Violating this regulation constitutes an offence, and individuals may face a fine of up to N$ 500 000 or imprisonment for a maximum of 25 years, or both the Act states.

Kandjeke recommended that the council rectify its non-compliance with the Environmental Management Act.

Additionally, the auditors noted the council’s failure to disclose open lands in the financial statements for both the years ending June 30, 2020, and 2021.

Kandjeke emphasised the importance of measuring gifts and donations, including goods in-kind, at their fair value upon initial recognition.

“On initial recognition, gifts and donations including goods in-kind are measured at their fair value as at the date of acquisition, which may be ascertained by reference to an active market, or by appraisal.

An appraisal of the value of an asset is normally undertaken by a member of the valuation profession who holds a recognised and relevant professional qualification.

For many assets, the fair value will be readily ascertainable by reference to quoted prices in an active and liquid market,” he said.

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