PDM demands answers regarding emergency fund spending on security installations

Erasmus Shalihaxwe

Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) Member of Parliament, Nico Smit, is demanding that Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila explain how N$30 million from the National Emergency Fund was utilized for security installations and renovations at her office, as well as the refurbishment of the old State House.

Smit’s inquiries are based on the findings of the Auditor General’s report. He announced in the National Assembly that on November 30, 2023, he intends to question the Prime Minister about why she authorized the allocation of funds for purposes that were not intended, which goes against the objectives of the National Emergency Fund.

“This is in contravention of the National Emergency Fund’s objectives. The Auditor General highlighted two transactions that occurred in the years 2014 and 2016, totalling N$30 million. Therefore, I wish to ask the following: Why was N$30 million used for security installations and renovations at your office and the old State House?” Smit asked.

The opposition MP also seeks to understand the importance and urgency behind utilizing funds from the National Emergency Fund and how this “inappropriate” use of funds has impacted the fund’s operations and goals.

“Will the used funds be replenished? If yes, when? If no, please provide a detailed explanation,” Smit stated.

The Auditor General’s report from 2014 to 2017 indicates that the old State House underwent renovations funded by the National Emergency Fund, originally intended for drought relief.

The audit report also emphasized that the National Disaster Emergency Fund serves as a contingency fund for the development and promotion of disaster risk management in the country.

Diverting money from the fund should be a last-resort measure.

I-Ben Nashandi, the Executive Director in the Office of the Prime Minister, informed local media that the funds spent on renovations were budgeted for that specific purpose and were not diverted from the National Emergency Fund.

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