PowerCom is committed to bridging the digital divide

Niël Terblanché

PowerCom has announced a series of measures to enhance connectivity and bridge the digital divide across Namibia.

The company’s Chief Executive Officer, Beatus Amadhila, highlighted these initiatives at a groundbreaking ceremony for a new network tower in Ikumwe village, located in the Zambezi Region.

Amadhila outlined PowerCom’s plans to roll out network towers nationwide, reflecting the company’s commitment to ensuring that all Namibians, regardless of their location or socio-economic status, have access to reliable, high-speed internet.

“This initiative represents our dedication to bridging the digital divide and bringing every individual into the digital fold,” Amadhila said.

PowerCom has already built two network towers in Katima Mulilo and Kongola, both in the Zambezi Region.

The company plans to build four more towers in Mafuta, Gunkwe, Linyanti, and Lisikili over the next two years, further strengthening the region’s digital infrastructure.

PowerCom, a subsidiary of Telecom Namibia, is undertaking an ambitious project to construct 29 network towers across the country at a total cost of N$32.5 million.

Amadhila reported that the company is on track to complete approximately 70 percent of this plan.

“These towers will significantly enhance mobile operators’ network capabilities and provide numerous benefits to various communities, including improved connectivity and access to digital services,” he added.

At the same event, Emma Theofelus, the Minister of Information and Communication Technology, pointed out the transformative potential of giving ordinary Namibians greater access to the digital domain.

“The new tower will introduce a new era of digital inclusion and economic development for Ikumwe and the broader Zambezi Region,” Theofelus said.

She elaborated on the longstanding challenges posed by the lack of digital infrastructure in Namibia, which has hindered local businesses from competing effectively in larger markets, thereby stifling economic growth and reinforcing cycles of poverty.

“The ripple effect is economic stagnation that limits job creation and perpetuates underdevelopment,” she explained.

Theofelus also stressed the importance of addressing these disparities to promote equitable growth and development throughout the nation.

“Closing the digital divide is critical to fostering an inclusive economy where every Namibian has the opportunity to thrive,” she said.

The new PowerCom tower in Ikumwe is poised to provide reliable connectivity to the village, setting a precedent for future infrastructure projects aimed at integrating underserved communities into Namibia’s digital future.

This development is expected to boost economic activity in Ikumwe and its surrounding areas, leveraging the region’s strategic location near the border to enhance its potential as a business hub.

Theofelus noted that improved connectivity would lead to greater regional integration and create opportunities for local businesses to engage with international markets, thus driving economic growth and development.

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