President Hage Geingob’s legacy honoured in Botswana

Niël Terblanché

President Nangolo Mbumba of Namibia has journeyed to Botswana to attend a solemn and dignified memorial service for the late President Hage Geingob.

Scheduled for the morning of 13 March 2024, this service aims to celebrate the life and contributions of a man regarded as a true son of Africa and a dear friend to Botswana.

Botswana’s Ministry for the State President has announced that the service will honour the memory of President Geingob.

The profound impact he had on both his country and the African continent at large will be honoured.

The memorial service, set to take place from 8:00 to 10:45, is not just a ceremonial gathering but a symbol of the deep-rooted friendship and mutual respect between Namibia and Botswana.

The relationship between President Mokgweetsi Masisi of Botswana and the late President Geingob was one of close personal and professional bonds.

President Masisi, in his eulogy during the Geingob funeral, remembered him as more than a friend.

“He was a brother and a confidant whose absence would be deeply felt in Botswana and beyond,” President Masisi said at the time.

President Masisi’s reflections on President Geingob highlight not only their shared commitment to regional development and cooperation but also the personal loss felt by those who knew him closely.

The memorial service in Botswana comes on the heels of a visit by a special envoy from President Mbumba to President Masisi, reinforcing the solidarity between the two nations during this period of mourning.

One of the key milestones of President Geingob’s leadership that will be remembered and celebrated is the 2023 bilateral agreement facilitating the use of National Identity cards for cross-border movement between Botswana and Namibia.

This agreement epitomizes the vision and determination both leaders shared to enhance the lives of their citizens and foster closer ties between their nations.

The memorial service in Botswana will serve as a touching reminder of the lasting contributions President Geingob made towards the development of the region and the strong bonds of friendship that can unite nations in pursuit of a common goal.

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