President Mbumba charts course for economic growth and transparency

Hertta-Maria Amutenja

In a resolute Cabinet Meeting this week, President Nangolo Mbumba urged the Cabinet to carry forward the visionary legacy of President Hage Geingob and outlined key priorities for the Year of Expectations, focusing on economic growth, inclusive prosperity and transparency.

He addressed the Cabinet against the backdrop of the recent passing of Geingob.

Mbumba officiated at the commencement of Cabinet activities for 2024 and in his addressed steered the nation towards a future defined by economic resilience, inclusive prosperity and unwavering transparency.

Addressing the challenges, Mbumba began by acknowledging the loss of the late President Geingob, describing him as a “visionary and revolutionary leader,” and further called upon the Cabinet to pick up the mantle and propel Namibia forward.

“This is a difficult and sad time for the widow and children, but we must be strong and forge ahead without faltering. That is what our President Dr. Geingob would have wanted us to do,” he stated.

Reflecting on the upcoming elections in the Year of Expectations, Mbumba highlighted the heightened expectations of the citizens, stressing the need to implement government plans and programs to deliver quality public services.

“Our citizens have entrusted us with the mandate to grow the economy, improve their livelihoods, and enhance inclusive prosperity for all,” he said.

Despite the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic and droughts, Mbumba celebrated the collective that led to Namibia’s positive trajectory of economic recovery. Stating that sectors such as agriculture, mining, fisheries, tourism, and green energy showed significant growth, with the Gross Domestic Product projected to reach 3.4 percent in 2024.

In addition, Mbumba urged responsible government ministries to fast-track economic development and create employment opportunities, especially for the youth. The positive economic outlook was reinforced by a 7.2 percent growth in the third quarter of 2023 and robust tourist inflows during the festive season.

On the energy front, Mbumba highlighted the role of Green Hydrogen in transforming Namibia’s economy.

He announced the commencement of three Green Hydrogen pilot projects and anticipated major announcements on oil blocks, stressing the importance of active Namibian participation.

Addressing concerns about corruption, he called upon law enforcement agencies, the media, and citizens to play their roles in keeping Namibia transparent and corruption-free.

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