President Mbumba commissions new Delimitation Commission

Niël Terblanché

In order to reassess and possibly reshape the electoral landscape, President Nangolo Mbumba officiated the commissioning of the Boundaries Delimitation and Demarcation Commissioners at State House.

This key event marks the beginning of the fifth Delimitation Commission’s work since Namibia gained independence, reflecting the nation’s commitment to ensuring equitable representation and governance.

Presidential Press Secretary, Alfredo Hengari said that the commission’s task is to evaluate the current regional and constituency boundaries.

He added that this assessment aims to determine the necessity for modifications to enhance development planning and ensure effective governance.

“The initiative is grounded in the Constitution and the Regional Councils Act, underscoring the legal framework guiding this critical undertaking,” he said.

The Delimitation Commission, established as per the Namibian Constitution, plays a vital role in delineating the boundaries of regions and constituencies to facilitate fair and efficient electoral processes.

Its work is crucial for the equitable distribution of resources and representation in the National Assembly and local governments. Namibia, divided into 14 regions, sees the Delimitation Commission’s role as central to maintaining a balanced and fair administrative structure.

The commission’s mandate also extends to fostering national unity and democracy by ensuring that all regions and constituencies are represented proportionally.

This task is complex, given Namibia’s diverse geography and demographic distribution. The commission’s work is anticipated to have significant implications for future electoral contests and governance models.

The commissioning comes amid calls for the Delimitation Commission’s process to be more transparent and democratic. Critics and observers have stressed the importance of an independent commission to prevent potential biases that could influence election outcomes.

The emphasis on democratic reform and transparency is seen as a way to bolster public trust in the electoral system and the broader democratic institutions of the country.

President Mbumba said that the commission will be responsible for strengthening Namibia’s democratic fabric through its work over the next three months.

The Delimitation Commission also serves as a barometer for Namibia’s commitment to democratic principles and fair governance.

The commissioning of the Boundaries Delimitation and Demarcation Commissioners is viewed as an essential step in Namibia’s ongoing journey toward refined governance and electoral justice.

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