Readiness Support Programme enhances access to climate funding

Martin Endjala

The Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF) recently orchestrated an inception meeting in Windhoek to discuss a programme, generously funded by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to the sum of N$ 6.1 million (USD 326,542).

The Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme is designed to bolster access to climate finance for nations, facilitating the fulfilment of their Nationally Determined Contribution ambitions. In Namibia, this objective is attainable through the reinforcement of local institutions capable of serving as Direct Access Entities for the Green Climate Fund, thereby enhancing country ownership.

Subsequently, national institutions including the Agricultural Bank of Namibia (Agri-Bank), Development Bank of Namibia (DBN), Bank Windhoek, and Namibia Nature Foundation have been nominated by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism to act as delivery partners in accreditation as direct access entities.

According to EIF Communications Manager, Lot Ndamanomhata, the nominated entities are traversing varying stages of readiness primarily due to disparate institutional capacities. He clarified that the programme strives to amplify private sector participation in climate change financing.

Thus, upon accreditation, entities like Bank Windhoek and Agribank could potentially access funds for on-lending purposes, focusing notably on the agricultural sector for the latter. The Namibia Nature Foundation, a distinguished environmental NGO, would facilitate access to funds for ecosystem management-related projects.

Ndamanomhata mentioned that the EIF would extend support to the Executing Entity throughout the anticipated implementation duration of at least 18 months.

The nomination of these four institutions is strategically aimed at maximizing the number of Namibian entities accredited by the Green Climate Fund, boosting the prospects of securing financing for substantial climate change infrastructure investments, including renewable energy and resilient infrastructures.

The inception meeting primarily aimed to enlighten attendees about the readiness and preparatory support programme, elucidate implementation arrangements, and acquaint stakeholders with the project’s objectives, proposed activities, and governance. It served as a valuable forum for stakeholders to analyze and contribute inputs to the anticipated approach, thereby fostering robust institutional coordination.

In summary, this inception meeting marked a pivotal step in operationalizing the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme, illuminating its objectives and expected activities, and enhancing collaborative efforts amongst various stakeholders to combat climate change more effectively.

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