Shaningwa calls SWAPO’s rank and file to order

Niël Terblanché

Sophia Shaningwa, the Secretary General of the SWAPO Party, has issued a strong call to party members, urging restraint and respect in the wake of President Hage Geingob’s passing.

Shaningwa expressed her deep concerns over the conduct of certain party members who have publicly engaged in discussions on constitutional matters during this delicate time.

As Namibia mourns the loss of President Geingob, Shaningwa emphasized the expectation for SWAPO members to honour the late President’s memory in a manner befitting his legacy.

The Secretary General’s rebuke came after she noticed a series of public statements made by members, addressing various constitutional topics and implications following President Geingob’s death.

“These actions are both unsympathetic and insensitive, especially since the Party’s Central Committee has yet to make official statements on these issues,” she stated

Shaningwa’s appeal to the party’s membership is a call for unity and composure, highlighting the importance of maintaining peace and stability during the national mourning period.

She stressed the necessity for members to abstain from any premature discussions or decisions until the Party’s Central Committee has had the opportunity to deliberate and provide guidance on matters arising from the President’s demise.

Namibia and the SWAPO Party were plunged into mourning on 4 February 2024, upon the announcement of Dr. Hage Geingob’s death.

Geingob’s legacy spans from his days as a freedom fighter through to his roles as Prime Minister, lawmaker, and ultimately, President.

According to Shaningwa, his transformative and revolutionary contributions to both Namibia and the SWAPO Party have been profoundly enriched.

In this time of reflection, Shaningwa’s message stresses a collective need for respect, unity, and patience.

The SWAPO Secretary General’s call to order serves as a reminder of the values that President Geingob championed throughout his life and political career while the nation and its leaders navigate through this period of sorrow,

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