Swapo School lecturer Mubita sues Shipwikineni for defamation

Niël Terblanché

Dr Charles Mubita, a revered academic, politician, and former freedom fighter of the People’s Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN), has taken legal action against Reinhold “Iita Nayitsikile” Shipwikineni, seeking damages of N$370,000.

The lawsuit, filed at the Namibian High Court in Windhoek, stems from a series of allegations made by Shipwikineni through a widely circulated WhatsApp audio clip, which Mubita claims to be entirely false and defamatory.

Mubita, known for his significant contributions to the struggle for Namibia’s independence and his continued involvement in the SWAPO Party’s leadership, alleges in his combined summons that Shipwikineni’s statements have severely tarnished his reputation and dignity.

According to the claim, the audio clip suggested that Mubita was complicit in violating the SWAPO Party Constitution, likened him to being used as “toilet paper” by others, and accused him of betraying the party and former PLAN combatants, among other injurious statements.

According to the summons, the defendant resides in Walvis Bay and is alleged to have used his standing in the community to lend credibility to his defamatory statements.

Mubita stated that these statements, without any factual basis, were intended to inflict maximum reputational damage on him for political reasons.

The claim outlines the considerable impact these allegations have had on Dr Mubita’s esteem and standing among the right-thinking members of the Namibian community and the SWAPO Party.

As a result, Mubita seeks not only monetary compensation but also a declaratory order on the falsity of the allegations, a comprehensive retraction of the statements, and a public apology from Shipwikineni, alongside a punitive cost order.

Shipwikineni will have until 22 March 2024 or ten days from which the summons was served on him to give notice of his intention to defend himself in the matter.

He will also have to serve a copy of his notice of intention to defend on the plaintiff’s legal practitioner.

Mubita chose Sisa Namandje and Company as his legal representative in the matter.

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