The majority of Namibians don’t mind a dominant-party system

Erasmus Shalihaxwe

According to a survey by Afrobarometer and Survey Warehouse, the majority of Namibians believe that as long as elections are free and fair, it doesn’t matter if one political party consistently wins and governs the nation.

The report states that a sizable minority believes it’s beneficial for a democracy if power changes hands via elections from time to time.

While the majority of people, who were interviewed, say democracy is preferable to any other kind of political system, Namibia needs many political parties to ensure voter choice, and the country has a well-functioning democracy.

“Despite widespread support for democracy, a slim majority of Namibians believe it is legitimate for the armed forces to control the government if elected leaders abuse power for their own interests. Namibians will vote in a general election on 27 November 2024,” reads the report.

It also hinted at the fact that 73 percent of citizens believe the country needs numerous political parties to provide voters with meaningful choices in who governs them.

According to the report, 25 percent of people believe political parties create division and confusion while 60 percent of Namibians say democracy is preferable to any other political system of governance.

“Stronger majorities reject military rule 68 percent, one-man rule 73 percent, and one-party rule 80 percent. About seven in 10 citizens 69 percent describe the country as a full democracy (30 percent) or a democracy with minor problems (39 percent),” an 11-percentage-point decline compared to the Afrobarometer’s first survey in Namibia in 1999. A majority of 55 percent say they are fairly satisfied or very satisfied with the way democracy is working in the country, while 43 percent expressed little or no satisfaction,” says the report.

The report further indicates that more than half, 53 percent of Namibians, say it is legitimate for the armed forces to take control of the government if elected leaders abuse power for their own interests, while 38 percent believe the armed forces should never intervene in politics.

The survey interviewed a nationally representative sample of 1,200 adult citizens of Namibia in March 2024.

Similar surveys were conducted in Namibia in 1999, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2017, 2019, and 2021.

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