The success of Census 2023 depends on citizens’ participation: Geingob

Martin Endjala

President Hage Geingob says the success of the upcoming Population and Housing Census 2023 will depend on the participation and cooperation of Namibian citizens which will not only determine its successful conclusion but subsequent planning and policy successes.

“Census is not just a government initiative but a national endeavour in which every citizen has a crucial role to play. When citizens actively participate by providing accurate information, it ensures the reliability of Census data”.

Geingob said this yesterday during the launch of the 2023 Population and Housing Census at State House.

Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) on Tuesday announced that the 2023 Population and Housing Census will be conducted from 18 September 2023 to 3 November 2023.

Geingob emphasised that the census is one of the most powerful data-collection tools at the country’s disposal and an intricate mechanism that plays a pivotal role in shaping societies, economies and governments.

He believes that in Namibia through the latest census, they will be able to gain insight into changing demographic details which play an indispensable role in the formulation of appropriate policies and distribution systems of resources.

“Human civilisation is defined as an advanced state of society with a high level of culture, science, industry and governance. It involves a complex way of life characterised by urban areas, shared methods of communication and administrative infrastructure.

Within these civilised societies, the census is an essential tool to aid the governance and administration of people, for the achievement of overall development, welfare and prosperity, “explained the President.

He further explained that in a land which is blessed with abundant resources, it is paramount that the country knows the total number of its most valuable resources and its human capital, its citizens. For this reason, the launch of the 2023 population and housing census will fulfil two crucial objectives.

This includes providing the facts essential to government for policy-making, planning and administration and enabling the development of appropriate socio-economic policies aimed at enhancing the welfare of our population.

In addition, he stressed that cooperation from every segment of society, including all citizens from urban to rural areas, from town to the village and settlement levels, is vital in achieving comprehensive, current and inclusive data.

The President said the government’s dedication to utilising census data for effective governance and accountability is not just a promise, but a strategic move towards a brighter and prosperous future.

He maintains that census data will allow them to identify areas in need of improvement as well as assist in ensuring that no citizen is left behind.

Moreover, census data plays a pivotal role in monitoring progress towards development goals whether it is in education, healthcare, or infrastructure development, adding that census provides the necessary benchmarks to measure progress made so far.

He believes that it is a tool that keeps the government accountable to its promises and ensures that its nation’s development is on track.

“Our commitment to transparency, accountability, and data-driven decision-making should not just be a commitment on paper, but should be a commitment in action and that is why we have also availed resources from our budget, in a period of pressing economic needs, for the Census. Your role as a citizen in this process is thus invaluable,” Geingob said.

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