TransNamib prioritizes employee skill Development and training

Stefanus Nashama

TransNamib’s Executive of Human Capital, Webster Gonzo, disclosed that the parastatal annually allocates a substantial budget for the development and training of its employees.

This initiative aims to equip employees in logistics with the relevant skills necessary for the effective and efficient operation of the parastatal.

Gonzo shared these insights during a media conference this week at the Ministry of Works and Transport, which addressed stakeholders in the transport sector.

He reiterated the significant role of skill development in fostering economic growth and social development by cultivating a skilled and diverse workforce.

While acknowledging that the industry already has qualified personnel, Gonzo emphasized the ongoing need for skills enhancement to boost service delivery capacity.

He called upon the private sector to collaborate and contribute to skills and training development in the industry.

Gonzo urged the Ministry of Works and Transport to engage with relevant bodies and stakeholders to broaden the scope of skill development initiatives.

Despite acknowledging challenges faced by TransNamib, such as ageing infrastructure, he expressed optimism about Namibia’s standing in Africa.

Minister Mutorwa, commenting on the country’s skills development, reminded the audience, particularly the post-independence generation, of the importance of understanding the country’s historical context when discussing skills.

He noted that during the exile period, while some people were sent to school to acquire different skills, the primary focus for many was the fight for freedom.

Mutorwa highlighted that the aftermath of the country’s struggle for independence necessitates ongoing skill development across various industries.

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