TVET sector calls for emulation of Geingob’s legacy

Martin Endjala

President Hage Geingob is hailed as a man of institutions and systems and as a result, the Chairperson of the Association of Technical and Vocational Education Training Institutions in Namibia (ATVETIN) Regina Ambambi, is calling on Namibians to emulate his legacy by using the systems he has established to improve lives.
In her tribute to the late Head of State, she said that the late President was a staunch advocate of institutions, systems, and processes, as they form the crucial pillars of a successful and prosperous Namibian nation.

“His ideologies are profound and have the potential to guide us, as Namibians, towards achieving our long-term goals, such as Vision 2030, HPP2, and the Growth at Home strategy.

ATVETIN would like to extend sincere condolences to former First Lady Monica Geingos, the children, the Geingob family and the Namibian Nation for the loss of our third President, Dr Hage Geingob,” she said.

Ambambi is of the view, that one of Geingob’s systems, was the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), an institution she believes plays a significant role in realising employment creation and the industrialisation of the country.

She emphasised that the TVET sector will continue to actively engage in dialogues with various government and private entities to establish partnerships aimed at facilitating the development, growth, and empowerment of TVET in the country.

However, she is disheartened to witness tenders being awarded to companies with inflated prices, especially when the country has qualified graduates capable of manufacturing items such as school chairs and tables at a more economical cost.

The Chairperson was speaking about the Himwara Iithete Senior Secondary School in Kavango West, in Rundu, where the Minister of Education, Arts and Culture was charged N$1.5 million to procure furniture for the school.

This situation has since spiked debate and anger amongst taxpayers, following outlined charges that included N$1200 per learner chairs and bunk beds for N$5 500.

She says this situation is particularly distressing considering that the Ministry of Education is entrusted with the responsibility for basic education in the country.

Stating that the ministry holds the crucial role of providing a platform through education for the youth to become contributors to the economic prosperity of the nation.

She argued that regulating government spending inclusion support for artisans is very essential. Furthermore, she reiterated that the country’s institutions, systems and processes should be intentional in efforts to reduce unemployment, empower the youth, and contribute to the growth of the Namibian economy and its future generations.

“Our systems, institutions and processes must invest deliberately in TVET for the sake of sustainability and economic growth, this is what the President would have wanted,” she urged.

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