Vandals destroy TransNamib infrastructure in the South

Hertta-Maria Amutenja

TransNamib, the national railway company, finds itself grappling with a surge in vandalism and significant infrastructural damage that has taken a toll on the country’s vital railway networks in the southern regions.

While engaging TransNamib staff, Members of Parliament on the Standing Committee on Economics and Public Administration have been briefed on the daunting task of maintaining rail infrastructure that is persistently subjected to severe damage and vandalism in areas like Luderitz and Keetmanshoop.

In a resolute effort to revitalize Namibia’s railway sector, the Standing Committee has embarked on a series of onsite visits to Luderitz and Keetmanshoop train stations in the //Kharas region.

During these visits, the committee was made aware of the dilapidated conditions of the historic TransNamib building in Luderitz.

The Committee has also identified the urgent upgrade of the communication system for the Keetmanshoop TransNamib office.

The Committee Chairperson Natangue Ithete, emphasised the pivotal role of a functional railway in the broader economy.

He expressed the committee’s intention to gain firsthand insight into TransNamib’s operations and assess the state of railway services and infrastructure. The objective is to pinpoint the shortcomings and challenges faced by TransNamib and the Ministry of Works and Transport in delivering efficient and reliable railway services.

“The goal is to formulate both short-term and long-term solutions to rejuvenate the entire rail transport system and railway services in Namibia. A functional economy hinges on a functional railway,” he said.

He announced that in a bid to maximise return on investment, the committee has collaborated closely with the Ministry of Works and Transport, the Namibia Ports Authority and the Road Fund Administration. Their joint efforts aim to introduce and implement a comprehensive legal framework for a transportation masterplan that seamlessly integrates air, road, rail and maritime transportation modes.

As per the constitution, the Offices, Ministries, Agencies, and State-Owned Enterprises, including TransNamib Limited, are subject to parliamentary oversight by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Economics and Public Administration. This committee is entrusted with the responsibility of advancing economic planning and infrastructure development, ultimately working towards the realisation of a prosperous and industrialised Namibia.

The Committee will continue its week-long oversights on the management of railways services, infrastructure and facilities in the Hardap and Erongo regions.

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