Why am I the centre of attention: Hanse-Himarwa

Obrein Simasiku

Former Education Minister Katrina Hanse-Himarwa has come out guns blazing against the media, asking why there is so much interest in her.

“Why is it always Katrina, Katrina, Katrina? I want the media to tell me, why my persona is so important to them to such an extent that they’re fabricating things,” she asked rhetorically.

She further accused media houses and journalists of conniving with individuals, with the aim of character assassination.

Hanse-Himarwa’s remarks come after the a local newspaper carried a report that she said that opposition councillor will not succeed because Swapo is still in charge. The publication claimed she spoke last weekend at an event in the South, quoting a video clip.

However, it turns out that the said clip is from 2019 where Hanse-Himarwa was addressing a campaign rally.

“It is a total disgrace and a shame to media ethics. Anyhow, I won’t be surprised seeing such reports from The Namibian because its known of them being negative. I think it was about time their hidden agenda caught up and brought shame on them,” she stressed adding that, the media has no longer ethical.’’ She accused the media of lacking moral consciousness.

‘’I still challenge the media to tell me why they are always behind my back, with so much interest. I am just small fish in politics, but you never see them reporting about bigger and stronger politicians,’’ she added.

In the same vein, she accused her political nemesis of always plotting against her. “They are threatened by my political ambitions and potential in politics, hence they are trying by all means to put me down. And they are doing this by paying journalist and promising huge advert spend in their publications. I know them but won’t mention any names,” she remarked.

Asked why she has not taken a step in addressing the matters with Media Ombudsman or any other relevant bodies; Hanse-Himarwa said “i dont have the energy to do that because i am focusing on more important to attend to.”

Furthermore refuting the alleged articles she said, she was at the coast in said past weekend and still at her home in Henties Bay.

“Therefore going forward maybe I should start claiming royalties from these newspapers because it seems that whenever I appear in their publications it sells like hot cakes,” she said with a sense of humor.

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