Youths encouraged to embrace patriotism and discipline

Niël Terblanché

Dr Peya Mushelenga, the Minister of Information and Communication Technology, delivered an inspiring address to new recruits of the National Youth Service program at Henties Bay on Friday.

While addressing the new recruits the minister stressed the importance of instilling patriotism and discipline in the country’s youth.

The National Youth Service program, aimed at nurturing the youth into patriotic and disciplined citizens, has been a key initiative in Namibia.

Mushelenga said that the National Symbols Campaign, which aims to foster a sense of patriotism among the people, complements the program perfectly.

“Our national flag, anthem, coat of arms, and other symbols represent the principles, ethos, and beliefs of our people, rooted in the heroic struggle for freedom and independence. It is crucial to introduce this campaign to the trainees of the National Youth Service program because the future of this country rests in their hands,” he said.

Mushelenga drew inspiration from an academic from The Philippines, Charles de Vera, who emphasized the importance of exposing youth to national symbols. De Vera’s research highlighted that when young people grow up participating in events where national symbols are celebrated, it nurtures their knowledge, devotion, and allegiance to their country.

“You are the flagbearers of our country and the hope of our nation’s future. Through your energy, passion, and dedication, we will build a better Namibia. I implore upon you to love your motherland fiercely and unconditionally,” he said.

He urged the young trainees to embrace Namibia’s rich cultural heritage, respect its diversity, and cherish its natural beauty.

“Be proud ambassadors of Namibia wherever you go, promoting its virtues and values with unwavering pride. Remember that your actions today will shape the future of our nation and leave a lasting legacy for generations to come,” he urged

Mushelenga stressed that discipline is the cornerstone of personal and national development. He stressed that discipline enables individuals to overcome challenges, persevere, and make sound decisions.

“As future leaders, you must embody discipline in all aspects of your lives. It is a discipline that will enable you to reach your full potential and inspire others to follow in your footsteps,” he said.

He also stressed the significance of national duty and volunteerism, noting that the progress and prosperity of society depend on the active participation and contribution of its citizens.

“Your actions have the power to uplift the socio-economic status of fellow Namibians and create a more inclusive and prosperous nation,” he stated.

He urged the new recruits to embrace patriotism, uphold discipline, and commit to volunteerism.

“May the National Symbols Campaign ignite a flame within your hearts, reminding you of the rich history and bright future that lies ahead. Together, let us march forward with determination, unity, and love for our motherland,” he said.

The Minister called on Namibia’s youth to embrace their role as future leaders and stewards of the nation’s values, heritage, and development.

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