
7341 Posts

Drug busts in Narraville and Kuisebmund

Two separate police operations in Walvis Bay on 25 July, led to the confiscation of illicit drugs with a combined value of nearly N$200 000.In Narraville, a 26-year-old woman was arrested at about 12:15 at a living unit in the Pelican View Complex.According to Erongo police spokesperson, Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba, a search warrant was obtained based on information that drugs were being kept at a flat.The search resulted in the discovery of 3 089 grams of skunk cannabis, valued at N$154 450.In a separate operation earlier that day in Kuisebmund, a 27-year-old man was arrested at a house after…
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Upholding Political Rights in Namibia: Ensuring Freedom and Democracy

Upholding Political Rights in Namibia: Ensuring Freedom and Democracy

Sakaria Johannes As Namibia approaches the upcoming elections on November 27, 2024, the protection of political rights and freedom emerges as a critical concern. At the heart of this discourse lies Article 17 of the Namibian Constitution, which guarantees every citizen the right to engage in peaceful political activities aimed at influencing government policies and composition. This includes the right to form and join political parties and to participate in public affairs directly or through freely chosen representatives, subject to legal qualifications necessary in a democratic society. Constitutional Guarantees and Recent Concerns Recent events have starkly highlighted the importance of…
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A Voice for the Marginalized

A Voice for the Marginalized

Lucia Sibanga Before the 1980s, post-colonialism and feminism were separate theories in international relations (IR). However, these theories later merged to form post-colonial feminist IR theory. Both focus on the marginalization of ‘others’ by ruling structures, defending their interests against such marginalization. Post-colonial theory aims to undermine the colonizer’s discourse, which distorts the experiences of the colonized and exerts control over them. This theory highlights literature by colonized people that reclaims their identity and history, challenging the narratives imposed by colonizers. Post-colonial feminist IR theory encourages us to view the world through the eyes of previously colonized women of color,…
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The acting director of education in the Hardap region, Asumptha Kaoseb has granted all schools and hostels in the region to end classes at 10h00., This is to allow employees and learners enough time to go attend the memorial service of the late education minister Katrina Hanse Himarwa. The memorial service will take place at Danie Joubert stadium in Mariental today.The deviation from official calendar was approved by the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture yesterday.Report: Martin Endjala.
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Public Service, Effective Service Delivery and The Namibian Ideal (Vision 2030)

Public Service, Effective Service Delivery and The Namibian Ideal (Vision 2030)

Esther Shakela It’s 9 o clock on a Tuesday morning and you are getting frustrated because the desk officer who needs to draft an authorization letter for your pensioned mother to finally get approval for a house is not answering their landline. The desk officer is yet to arrive at the office, he left his house at 08h30. You send an e-mail and decide to call again during the course of the day. Thereafter, you answer the landline in your office and inform a citizen that they should call you back later and return to discussing the latest episode of…
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Father and son clash over Ongwediva hotel management

Father and son clash over Ongwediva hotel management

Hertta-Maria Amutenja A high-stakes family feud has erupted over the management and ownership of the Afrika Stadt Haus Hotel and apartments in Ongwediva. Harold Schmidt, a prominent businessman, has filed an application in the Windhoek High Court against his son, Namibia National Paralympic Committee treasurer, Jean-Paul Schmidt and his daughter-in-law, Naomi Schmidt. Harold claims Jean-Paul and Naomi mismanaged the hotel and is seeking to evict them from the properties he owns. He also alleges that Jean-Paul threatened to shoot him. In the court documents, Harold claims that Jean-Paul, whom he initially mentored as an apprentice during the properties' construction in…
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NamRA cracking down on tax evasion in fishing industry

NamRA cracking down on tax evasion in fishing industry

Niël Terblanché The Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) has intensified efforts to combat deliberate tax evasion within the fishing industry. Yarukeekuro Ndorokaze, NamRA’s spokesperson, said in a statement issued on Thursday that targeted actions have been initiated to halt revenue leakage in this sector and ensure offenders are held accountable. Ndorokaze added that over the years, the fishing industry has been among the lowest contributors to the national fiscus. “Fees paid to directors and other members often go undeclared and untaxed. Ongoing investigations are focusing on the sale of fishing quotas by rights holders,” he said. According to Ndorokaze, the analysis…
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IPPR flags non-compliance with procurement

IPPR flags non-compliance with procurement

Martin Endjala The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) has identified non-compliance with the government’s procurement system as a major problem in Namibia. The IPPR released a report on Thursday in which it indicated that there are about 173 public entities with a procurement function. Frederico Links, an IPPR research associate, did the study with financial support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF). “All of these entities have to submit an annual procurement plan to the Procurement Policy Unit (PPU), which then publishes the plan on the e-procurement portal,” he pointed out. According to Links, public entities operating outside of…
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Uutoni unaware of Zambezi Regional Council troubles

Uutoni unaware of Zambezi Regional Council troubles

Martin Endjala A Judea Lyaboloma Constituency councillor accused the urban and rural development minister, Erastus Uutoni, of failing to intervene in the issues of the Zambezi Regional Council. In an interview with the Windhoek Observer this week, Humphrey Divai said the minister has only been attending to the matters of other regions and some local authorities. “I do not know why the minister is not intervening in the Zambezi matter. This is a serious issue. What is he afraid of? It seems like he is protecting his Swapo comrade Simushi,” said Divai. He added that the Zambezi Regional Council has…
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British High Commission denies links to IPC‘s London funds

British High Commission denies links to IPC‘s London funds

Stefanus Nashama The British High Commission in Namibia has refuted allegations that a London-based entity funded the Independent Patriots for Change (IPC). The British High Commissioner, Charles Moore, wrote a letter addressed to IPC’s leader, Panduleni Itula on Wednesday. Moore clarified that Sarah Champion MP (UK) was not the author of the letters circulating on social media platforms. “The letters were not written or circulated by Ms Champion or any other official within the International Development Committee(IDC). The content was entirely fabricated by third parties with the intent to misinform and discredit. The United Kingdom does not and would not…
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