Environment ministry underperforms in Water Point rehabilitation

Hertta-Maria Amutenja

In a recent report by Auditor General Junias Kandjeke, on the accounts of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism (MEFT) for the financial year ended 31 March 2023, it has been revealed that the ministry has under-achieved in the rehabilitation of water points, with the Ministry reporting zero actual achievements against a target of three.

The ministry’s Accounting Officer cited a lack of funding and challenges experienced in the Etosha National Park, a targeted area, as primary reasons for this shortfall.

According to the report, while some targets were met satisfactorily, such as the percentage progress made on rehabilitation and maintenance of game capture equipment, the overall performance in the water points rehabilitation segment was deemed unsatisfactory.

Kandjeke emphasised the importance of ensuring that set targets are achieved, indicating a need for improved oversight and resource allocation within the Ministry.

“The audit revealed a satisfactory outcome and all sub-criteria were met for the percentage progress made on rehabilitation and maintenance of game capture equipment and the number of waste disposal sites registered.

However, the existence, timeliness, consistency, accuracy, and validity of the number of water points rehabilitated was not satisfactory, said Kandjeke.

“The audit also revealed instances of overachievement, notably in the number of waste disposal sites registered, where the Ministry surpassed the targeted figure. Percentage of progress made on rehabilitation and maintenance of game capture equipment where the annual target of 100 percent was achieved. Number of waste disposal sites registered, the Ministry achieved three instead of the targeted two sites which resulted in the over achievement,” Kandjeke indicated.

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