Namibia and Türkiye go ahead with new Parliamentary cooperation

Niël Terblanché

In order to foster improved international collaboration, Namibia and Türkiye have inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at bolstering parliamentary cooperation.

This historic event took place in Istanbul, with Professor Peter Katjavivi, the Speaker of the National Assembly of Namibia, and his Turkish counterpart, Professor Numan Kurtulmuş, leading the ceremony.

The MoU signifies a mutual commitment to upholding core values such as respect for human rights and the promotion of global peace.

Professor Katjavivi emphasized this shared vision, while Kurtulmuş expressed an eagerness to deepen ties between the two nations.

While speaking about the current low volumes of trade and investment, Kurtulmuş stressed the urgency of boosting economic interactions.

The Turkish parliament’s commendation of Namibia’s dedication to global peace, notably its stance on Gaza and the Western Sahara’s self-determination, was a notable mention.

Katjavivi also announced the establishment of a Namibian embassy in Türkiye, a move that promises to enhance diplomatic and economic exchanges and to further solidify the new partnership.

Accompanying Kativivi on the visit to Türkiye to witness the agreement were Tobie Aupindi, Vincent Mareka, and Winnie Moongo.

The visiting Namibians will also engage with Turkish President Recep Erdogan, indicating a comprehensive effort to fortify Namibia-Türkiye relations on multiple fronts.

This MoU is not an isolated instance of cooperation between Namibia and Türkiye.

In recent years, Türkiye’s engagement in Namibia has been marked by significant contributions across various sectors.

The Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) has led more than 50 projects in Namibia, focusing on development assistance ranging from educational support to environmental conservation.

Such initiatives stress Türkiye’s commitment to fostering sustainable development and enhancing the quality of life in Namibia.

Moreover, the bilateral relations have seen efforts to encourage Turkish investment in Namibia, with emphasis on development areas like water infrastructure, renewable energy, and logistics.

A recent business delegation visit organized by the Namibia Investment Centre and the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey aimed to explore opportunities in tourism, construction, and health, among others, reflecting a robust agenda for trade and investment promotion.

Reaffirming their commitment to expanding investment avenues, both nations celebrated Türkiye’s centennial as a republic by reiterating their intent to strengthen bilateral ties.

This partnership is further evidenced by Türkiye’s support for Namibia through scholarships and the support of local projects via TIKA, enhancing cooperation in health care, education, agriculture, and more.

While Namibia and Türkiye continue to explore new horizons of cooperation, their existing partnership proves to the power of international solidarity and shared aspirations for peace, stability, and prosperity.

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