Erongo Marine board members resign

Ester Mbathera

The Erongo Marine Enterprise (EME) fishing company’s suspended managing director Martha Uumati and sales manager Kuda Hartzenberg, who were the only Namibian board members on the company board, have resigned.

Hartzenberg resigned on 20 March and Uumati on 28 March.

The two remain in the employment of the company.

Uumati confirmed her resignation.

According to Uumati, she resigned a day before a board meeting at which more charges were added against her for a disciplinary hearing.

“The witch-hunt continues, and as stated, I shall defend my integrity, character, and patriotism with the truth,” she said.

Uumati was suspended on 13 February, days before the Oceana Group was to appear before the Namibian Competition Commission (NaCC), where she was expected to give testimony as well.

The company is being investigated for alleged price fixing within the fishing industry.

Uumati has expressed challenges of corporate governance within the Oceana Group, especially the independence of the board, on several occasions.

She is yet to appear before a disciplinary committee.

Other board members of the group are Ina Botha, Michael McEwen, and Pierre Rocher, who are all South Africans and employees of Blue Continent Products (BCP), which is a subsidiary of Oceana Group.

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