Geingos commits to youth development and cancer prevention

Ester Mbathera

The wife of late President Hage Geingob, Monica Geingos, has announced that she will dedicate her time to advocacy work, focusing on youth development and cancer prevention and care initiatives.

Geingos returned to work on 6 May.

She made the announcement on her social media platforms on Saturday.

The announcement follows her husband’s death from pancreatic cancer on 4 February.

Geingos emphasised her commitment to resuming her advocacy efforts, with a renewed focus on addressing pressing issues affecting the nation.

“For now, it will mean focusing on finalising outstanding advocacy commitments and managing the administrative transition to former first lady, scaling up the youth development work of the One Economy Foundation, and the various non-profit organisations I serve on that focus on women’s political leadership, gender-based violence, and sexual and reproductive health.”

Using her experience of losing someone to cancer, Geingos said she is considering expanding her previous focus on women’s reproductive cancers to cancer prevention and care in general.

She also acknowledged the impact of grief and the challenging journey of adapting to life without her husband and best friend.

“Grief has no timeline and shapes a person’s thoughts and reactions in a significant manner. I have accepted this. In trying to get back to some form of “normal” routine, I have realised that I am not sure what “normal” means,” Geingos said.

She also expressed gratitude for the support she received from people around the world during her time of mourning.

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