GRN seeks citizen feedback to bolster public service

Niël Terblanché

The Namibian Government has embarked on a determined initiative to gather citizens’ perspectives on the performance of its Offices, Ministries, and Agencies (OMAs), Regional Councils (RCs), and State-owned Enterprises (SOEs).

Under the guidance of Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila, the Citizen Satisfaction Survey (CSS) campaign, a collaboration with the University of Namibia, came to an end over the past weekend. The campaign covered all fourteen regions of the country.

The CSS campaign sought to involve citizens in a participatory approach to governance.

By condensing the public’s view on various governmental bodies’ effectiveness, the Office of the Prime Minister aims to tailor government services to better meet the needs and expectations of its people.

Prime Minister Kuugongelwa-Amadhila said the initiative is a demonstration of the government’s commitment to not only improve infrastructure but also enhance service delivery mechanisms.

She said that it reflects a forward-thinking approach to governance, ensuring that the voices of Namibians are heard and acted upon in the shaping of national policies and public services.

“In a country determined to boost economic development and citizen welfare, such surveys are essential,” she said.

According to the Prime Minister, surveys serve as a tool to assess the government’s performance and identify areas needing improvement or reform.

The initiative is also seen as a step towards fulfilling the nation’s Vision 2030 goals, aimed at realizing a prosperous and industrialized nation.

She said the outcome of the CSS will be crucial in guiding future policies, especially with the anticipated November 2024 elections.

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