Heritage and culture are the foundation rocks of Namibia

Niël Terblanché

To celebrate Namibia’s rich cultural and traditional inheritance the country’s Heritage Week was officially launched in the Erongo Region yesterday.

The vent will be presented under the theme of “Heritage and Culture: A Rock Solid Foundation.”

Presiding over the occasion was the Governor of the Erongo Region, Neville Andre, who delivered a heartfelt address to an audience that included representatives from International Development Partners and Heads of Diplomatic Missions.

Governor Andre emphasized the Namibian Government’s dedication to preserving and promoting the nation’s rich heritage. He added that the establishment of policies and institutions such as the National Heritage Council, the Arts Council, and the Museum Association of Namibia are all meant to preserve the national inheritance.

He was of the opinion that the further integration of heritage studies into higher education institutions speaks volumes about Namibia’s commitment to its past.

The governor expressed pride while reflecting on the country’s “incredible displays of diversity and memories from our past,” which serve as markers of Namibia’s extraordinary journey.

The week-long celebration is not only an acknowledgement of the country’s vast cultural tapestry but also an invitation for reflection on the shared experiences that bind its people together.

“Heritage Week encourages Namibians to dive deep into their roots in an age where connection to one’s history can easily fade. The Governor described Namibia’s heritage as a mosaic, a blend of numerous ethnic groups, traditions, languages, and beliefs, which collectively shape its unique identity,” he said.

Recognizing the contributions of various ethnic communities such as the Khoisan, Ovambo, Herero, Damara, Nama, and others, Andre urged the populace to deepen their understanding of these groups’ historical and cultural significance.

Andre also highlighted the importance of Namibia’s natural heritage. Pointing to the nation’s diverse landscapes and abundant wildlife, he stressed the need for the protection and preservation of these national treasures for generations to come.

Governor Andre made a poignant call for inclusivity, harmony, and pride in the shared heritage, urging Namibians to embrace their diverse roots and learn from one another. In a gesture of gratitude, he lauded the organizers, participants, and volunteers whose efforts and passion were instrumental in bringing Heritage Week to fruition.

Drawing inspiration from Nelson Mandela’s words, “Our rich and varied cultural heritage has a profound power to help build our nation,” Andre conveyed a vision for a united Namibia, bound by its shared past and inspired for its future.

As Namibia delves into its cultural and natural wonders this week, it seeks to foster a renewed commitment to its shared heritage, celebrating both its collective past and the promise of its future.

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